
A Capistrano gem to generate files from templates on deployment.

In a typical application, configuration files contain lots of code common to all stages, and a few differences (like database or mail server and credentials). This gem lets you put common code in ERB templates, and manage variable parts using Capistrano variables (set :var_name, 'value') or capistrano-secret.

This is especially useful to generate configuration files for various server elements, based on DRY secret files + single template for each configuration file.

Quick start

In a shell:

gem install capistrano-templating
echo "require 'capistrano/templating'" >> Capfile
mkdir -p lib/capistrano/templates
echo "Deployed to <%= fetch(:stage) %> at <%= %>" > lib/capistrano/templates/deploy.html.erb

Then in deploy.rb:

set_template 'www/deploy.html', 'deploy.html.erb';


Capistrano::Templating advantages:

  • all common code is centralized in the template: no duplication (DRY).
  • file can be generated anywhere (even in multiple places), with any name.
  • any file format can be generated.

When combined with capistrano-secret, enables perfect separation of responsibilities:

  • all secret information in easy-to-read JSON, stored in dedicated folder
  • syntax wrapping (for configuration file, deployment pages, or else) concentrated in templates

In details:

  • 2-step generation: files are generated in a separate build local folder, then copied into release dir. This allows local view of the generated files for debugging.
  • generated file path and name is specified separately from template file. This lets you put all templates in the same folder, yet dispatch generated files everywhere.

Compared to capistrano-template gem, Capistrano::Templating uses a declarative syntax (set_template then automatic generation), whereas capistrano-template uses an imperative syntax (ask for render using template). Pick the one that suits you best!


All dependencies are listed in the .gemspec file so if using bundler you just need to bundle install in your project directory.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-templating'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install capistrano-templating


An example application is included in the example folder.

Include gem in your Capfile:

require 'capistrano/templating'

Create directory where templates will be stored. Default is lib/capistrano/template, to use a different one define template_src_dir in deploy.rb:

set :template_src_dir, 'new/template/dir'

Define directory where generated files will be stored. Default is build, to use a different one define template_build_dir in deploy.rb:

set :template_build_dir, 'new/build/dir'

Ensure the build directory stays out of repository (for git, add it to .gitignore):

echo 'build' >> .gitignore

Then in the template directory, create one ERB file per model of file needed. As a naming convention, we suggest name_and_ext_of_target.erb. For example, .htaccess.erb to generate .htaccess.

Finally, declare the files to generate in deploy.rb or the stage files (like production.rb):

set_template 'path/to/result.html', 'template.html.erb'

Destination filepaths are relative to application root folder, template paths are relative to template directory.

At the end of deployment, capistrano will automatically generate the files in the local build dir (including sub-directory creation), then upload them in the remote release directories.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request