This is a simple extension to Capistrano that adds a few pre-deploy syntax-checks for source files.

Currently supported syntaxes are Ruby, ERB, JavaScript (using the Google Closure compiler) and HAML.


Install via gems:

gem install capistrano-syntax-checking

Usage with Rails

To use with a Rails application with sensible default, put the following at the top of your Capfile:

require 'capistrano/recipes/syntax_checking'

Then add this at the bottom of your Capfile, outside the namespace deploy do ... block:

before 'deploy:update', :check_syntax

To invoke only certain checks, such as only Ruby and ERB:

before 'deploy:update', "check_syntax:ruby"
before 'deploy:update', "check_syntax:erb"

Usage with generic (non-Rails) application, or when you want to be in control

To use with any other kind of application, you will want to use your own tasks that providecustom options to the syntax-checker. Start by putting this at the top of your Capfile:

require 'capistrano/ext/syntax_checking'

Then build your own tasks by calling the syntax check API, perhaps like this:

task :deploy do
  Capistrano::SyntaxChecking.check_javascript('src', :verbose => false)


You can override the paths that the checker will look in. For the Rails recipe, the paths are the usual directoryes -- app, lib and config for Ruby files, app/views for ERB, and so on. If your Rails layout is a little different, then you may have to extend the path list.

To override the path list, set the syntax_check_paths variable in Capistrano. For example:

set :syntax_check_paths, :ruby => %w(app lib bin config vendor)

The keys you may override are :ruby, :erb, :javascript and :haml.

You can also override the task output verbosity:

 set :syntax_check_verbose, false


  • This source code is copyright Alexander Staubo. The code is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for the license text.

  • The library comes with a binary compiled version of the Google Closure compiler, which is copyright Google Corp. and licensed under the Apache License. See the file LICENSE.closure for the license text.