
capistrano task for stretcher.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-stretcher'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install capistrano-stretcher


capistrano-stretcher requires target server for building to application assets. This server should be installed the following packages:

  • git
  • rsync
  • tar
  • gzip
  • awk
  • openssl
  • aws-cli
  • consul
  • pv

target server builds assets, uploads assets to AWS S3 and invokes consul event automatically. So target server can access AWS s3 via aws-cli and join your deployment consul cluster.

If you want to use non-s3 (e.g. private DC), upload assets to your server with rsync and download from http(s).


You need to add require "capistrano/stretcher" to Capfile and add config/deploy.rb following variables:

role :build, ['your-target-server.lan'], :no_release => true

# If your build server is accessible to consul cluster, then set the same server
# If different, set a server that can access consul cluster
# just to kick consul event!
role :consul, ['your-target-server.lan'], :no_release => true

set :application, 'your-application'
set :deploy_to, '/var/www'
set :deploy_roles, 'www,batch'
set :stretcher_hooks, 'config/stretcher.yml.erb'
set :local_tarball_name, 'rails-applicaiton.tar.gz'
set :stretcher_src, "s3://your-deployment-bucket/assets/rails-application-#{}.tgz"
set :manifest_path, "s3://your-deployment-bucket/manifests/"
# Optional, if you want to use mv
set :stretcher_sync_strategy, "mv"

# Optinal, if you want to http(s) in stretcher_src, manifest_path
set :rsync_ssh_option, "-p 22"
set :rsync_ssh_user, "MY_USER" # if undefined, use current user on build server
set :rsync_host, ""
set :rsync_stretcher_src_path, "/var/www/resource/assets/rails-application-#{}.tgz"
set :rsync_manifest_path,      "/var/www/resource/manifests"

and write hooks for stretcher to config/stretcher.yml.erb

default: &default
    - cat >> /tmp/failure
  <<: *default
    - ln -nfs <%= fetch(:deploy_to) %>/shared/data <%= fetch(:deploy_to) %>/current/data
    - sudo systemctl reload unicorn
  <<: *default
    - ln -nfs <%= fetch(:deploy_to) %>/shared/data <%= fetch(:deploy_to) %>/current/data

above hooks is extracted to manifest.yml for stretcher. If you have "www,batch" roles and stages named staging and production, capistrano-stretcher extract to following yaml from configuration.

  • manifest_www_staging.yml
  • manifest_batch_staging.yml

and invoke

  • consul event -name deploy_www_staging s3://.../manifest_www.yml
  • consul event -name deploy_batch_staging s3://.../manifest_batch.yml

with cap staging stretcher:deploy command on target server. When it's invoked with cap production stretcher:deploy, capistrano-stretcher replace suffix staging to production.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015- GMO Pepabo, Inc.