
Note: this plugin works only with Capistrano 3. Please check the capistrano gem version you're using before installing this gem: $ bundle show | grep capistrano The plugin for Capistrano 2 is here.


Capistrano PostgreSQL plugin abstracts and speeds up common administration tasks for PostgreSQL when deploying rails apps.

Here are the specific things this plugin does for your capistrano deployment process:

  • Creates a new PostgreSQL database and database user on the server
  • Generates and populates database.yml file on all release nodes (using ssh)
  • Support for multi-server setup: separate db and app nodes ( versions > 4.0 )

Note: gem version 4 introduces some breaking changes. If you installed gem version 3 or below you might want to follow the upgrade instructions.


Put the following in your application's Gemfile:

group :development do
  gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.2.0'
  gem 'capistrano-postgresql', '~> 5.0.0'


$ bundle install


In a standard RAILS app, you need to do is put the following in Capfile file:

require 'capistrano/postgresql' 

You need to include ONLY ONE of the following in your config/deploy/*.rb files:

set :pg_password, ENV['DATABASE_USER_PASSWORD']
set :pg_ask_for_password, true
set :pg_generate_random_password, true

Example config:

server '', user: 'growtrader', roles: %w{app db}
set :stage, :development
set :branch, 'development'
# ==================
# Postgresql setup
set :pg_without_sudo, false
set :pg_host, ''
set :pg_database, 'growtrader'
set :pg_username, 'growtrader'
#set :pg_generate_random_password, true
#set :pg_ask_for_password, true
set :pg_password, ENV['GROWTRADER_PGPASS']
set :pg_extensions, ['citext','hstore']
set :pg_encoding, 'UTF-8'
set :pg_pool, '100'

Finally, to setup the server(s), run:

$ bundle exec cap production setup


  • Be sure to remove config/database.yml from your application's version control.
  • Your pg_hba.conf must include local all all trust
  • Make sure the deploy_to path exists and has the right privileges on your servers. The ~ symbol (i.e. ~/myapp) is not supported.
  • Within your app/config/deploy/env.rb files, you need to specify at least one :app and one :db server.
  • If you have multiple :db role hosts, it's necessary to specify :primary => true on the end of your primary :db server.

How it works

How the plugin works

Read it only if you want to learn more about the plugin internals.


A full list of configuration options.

The list can be overwhelming so consult it only if you're looking for something specific.

Customizing the database.yml template

Wiki page about the database.yml format.

More Capistrano automation?

Check out capistrano-plugins github org.

Contributing and bug reports

Contributions and improvements are very welcome.

If something is not working for you, or you find a bug, please report it.


Here are other plugins and people this project was based upon:
