
Note: this plugin works only with Capistrano 3. Plase check the capistrano gem version you're using before installing this gem: $ bundle show | grep capistrano

Plugin for Capistrano 2 is here.


Capistrano PostgreSQL plugin abstracts and speeds up common administration tasks for PostgreSQL when deploying rails apps.

Here are the specific things this plugin does for your capistrano deployment process:

  • creates a new PostgreSQL database and database user on the server
  • generates and populates database.yml file with the right data on the server (no need to ssh to the server and do this manually!)
  • no config necessary (or it's kept to a minimum)


Put the following in your application's Gemfile:

group :development do
  gem 'capistrano' ~> '3.1'
  gem 'capistrano-postgresql'

Install the gem with:

$ bundle install

Standard usage

If you're deploying a standard rails app, all you need to do is put the following in Capfile file:

require 'capistrano/postgresql'

Easy, right?

Check below to see what happens in the background.

How it works

Check here for the full capistrano deployment flow

The following tasks run automatically after deploy:started task:

  • postgresql:create_database
    creates a postgresql user and a database for your app. Password for the user is automatically generated and used in the next step.
  • postgresql:generate_database_yml
    creates a database.yml file and copies it to #{shared_path}/config/database.yml on the server.
  • postgresql:ensure_database_yml_symlink
    adds config/database.yml to the linked_files array. Capistrano handles symlinking database.yml to the application release path.

The above tasks are all you need for getting rails app to work with PostgreSQL.


Be sure to remove config/database.yml from your application's version control.


A debugging task is provided. Run bundle exec <your_stage> cap postgres:debug and you should get a list of all capistrano-postgresql settings and their values.

I deeply hope you'll never need to use this, as this plugins strives to be very easy to use with minimal or no configuration.


This plugin should just work with no configuration whatsoever. However, configuration is possible. Put all your configs in capistrano stage files i.e. config/deploy/production.rb, config/deploy/staging.rb.

Here's the list of options and the defaults for each option:

  • set :postgresql_database
    Name of the database for your app. Defaults to #{application}_#{stage}, example: myface_production.

  • set :postgresql_user
    Name of the database user. Defaults to whatever is set for postgresql_database option.

  • set :postgresql_password
    Password for the database user. By default this option is not set and new random password is generated each time you create a new database.
    If you set this option to "some_secure_password" - that will be the db user's password. Keep in mind that having a hardcoded password in deploy.rb (or anywhere in version control) is a bad practice.
    I recommend sticking to the default and generating a new secure and random password each time a db user is generated. That way you don't have to worry about it or try to remember it.

  • set :postgresql_ask_for_password
    Default false. Set this option to true if you want to be prompted for the password when database user is created. This is safer than setting the password via postgresql_password. The downside is you have to choose and remember yet another fricking password.
    postgresql_password option has precedence. If it is set, postgresql_ask_for_password is ignored.

  • set :postgresql_default_tasks
    This task determines whether capistrano tasks from this plugin are executed automatically during capistrano deploy process. Defaults to true. Tasks that are run automatically are: postgresql:create_database, postgresql:generate_database_yml and postgresql:ensure_database_yml_symlink.

database.yml template-only settings:

  • set :postgresql_pool
    Pool config in database.yml template. Defaults to 5.

  • set :postgresql_host
    hostname config in database.yml template. Defaults to localhost.

  • set :postgresql_encoding
    encoding config in database.yml template. Defaults to unicode.

Customizing the database.yml template

This is the default database.yml template that gets copied to the capistrano shared directory on the server:

<%= fetch :stage %>:
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: <%= postgresql_encoding %>
  database: <%= postgresql_database %>
  pool: <%= postgresql_pool %>
  username: <%= postgresql_user %>
  password: '<%= postgresql_password %>'
  host: <%= postgresql_host %>

If for any reason you want to edit or tweak this template, you can copy it to config/deploy/templates/postgresql.yml.erb with this command:

bundle exec rails g capistrano:postgresql:template

After you edit this newly created file in your repo, it will be used as a template for database.yml on the server.

You can configure the template location. For example: set :postgresql_templates_path, "config" and the template will be copied to config/postgresql.yml.erb.

Contributing and bug reports

Contributions and improvements are very welcome. Just open a pull request and I'll look it up shortly.

If something is not working for you, or you find a bug please report it.


Here are other plugins and people this project was based upon:
