
Pimcore 5 plugin for capistrano


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-pimcore5'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install capistrano-pimcore5


Install and configure capistrano in your project. More information is on Capistrano Home Page and Capistrano GitHub

Require capistrano-pimcore in your cap file

# Capfile
require 'capistrano-pimcore5'

Pimcore Specific Tasks

You can see this list by running cap -T from your shell.

cap command what it does
pimcore:cache:clear Flush Pimcore cache storage
pimcore:classmap-generator Generate class maps to improve performance
pimcore:definition:import:class Import Class definition from a JSON export
pimcore:definition:import:fieldcollection Import FieldCollection definition from a JSON export
pimcore:definition:import:objectbrick Import ObjectBrick definition from a JSON export
pimcore:deployment:classes-rebuild Rebuild Pimcore classes
pimcore:mysql-tools Optimize and warmup mysql database
pimcore:reset-password Reset Pimcore user password
pimcore:search-backend-reindex Re-indexes the backend search of pimcore
pimcore:thumbnails:image Generate Pimcore image thumbnails
pimcore:thumbnails:optimize-images Optimize Pimcore filesize of all images
pimcore:thumbnails:video Generate Pimcore video thumbnails
pimcore:update Update pimcore to the desired version/build

How work with Pimcore environments

Default environment is development. If you want to change Pimcore environment add param env as a param in CLI command, exapmle:

bundle exec cap test pimcore:cache:clear env=production

For each environment param env can be setted in config file, example:

# /config/deploy/staging.rb
set :env, 'development'


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at