Capistrano Karafka

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Karafka integration for Capistrano.

Note: If you want to use Karafka framework with systemd and Capistrano, you don't need this gem at all. Please refer to this section of the Wiki.


Add this line to your application Gemfile:

  gem 'capistrano-karafka'


  gem 'capistrano-karafka' , group: :development

And then execute:

  $ bundle


In your Capfile

require 'capistrano/karafka'
install_plugin Capistrano::Karafka

Take a look at the set_defaults method for options you can set. For example, to specify a different pidfile than default:

set :karafka_pid, ->{ File.join(shared_path, 'tmp', 'pids', '') }

Warning: In order to make capistrano-karafka work with multiple processes, pidfile needs to end with .pid.

Multiple processes

You can configure Karafka to start with multiple processes. Just set the proper amount in karafka_processes.

set :karafka_processes, 4

Different number of processes per host

You can configure how many processes you want to run on each host in the following way:

set :karafka_role, %i[karafka_small karafka_big]
set :karafka_small_processes, 1
set :karafka_big_processes, 4
server '', roles: %i[karafka_small]
server '', roles: %i[karafka_big]

Different active consumer groups per host and process

You can also easily start Karafka with a limited set of consumer groups running per each process for a given host:

set :karafka_role, %i[karafka_small karafka_big]

set :karafka_small_processes, 1
set :karafka_small_consumer_groups, %w[

set :karafka_big_processes, 4
set :karafka_small_consumer_groups, [
  'group_a group_b',
  'group_c group_d',

server '', roles: %i[karafka_small]
server '', roles: %i[karafka_big]

By default, capistrano-karafka will start Karafka processes without limiting consumer groups, which means that each process will be running all of them.


Note on contributions

First, thank you for considering contributing to Capistrano Karafka! It's people like you that make the open source community such a great community!

Each pull request must pass all the RSpec specs and meet our quality requirements.

To check if everything is as it should be, we use Coditsu that combines multiple linters and code analyzers for both code and documentation. Once you're done with your changes, submit a pull request.

Coditsu will automatically check your work against our quality standards. You can find your commit check results on the builds page of Capistrano Karafka repository.
