
Capistrano 3 plugin to fetch git commit additional informations and store them in an INI/XML/YAML/JSON file when deploying


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-gitinfos'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install capistrano-gitinfos


require 'capistrano/gitinfos'

Set the version file format and filename.

# version file output format and file extension
# available formats : ini, xml, yml, json
# default : json
set :gitinfos_format, "json"

# relative path from release_path without file extension
# default : version
# if :gitinfos_format = yml and :gitinfos_file = config/version
# then the final path is <release_path>/config/version.yml
set :gitinfos_file, "version"

After deploying, you will get a file with the following informations:

  • full_commit : git full SHA1 commit
  • abbrev_commit : git abbrev SHA1 commit
  • version : the result of git describe --tags command if possible, otherwise the abbrev commit
  • commit_date : commit date in IS08601 format (with timezone)
  • commit_timestamp : commit date in unix timestamp format
  • deploy_date : capistrano deploy date in IS08601 format (with timezone)
  • deploy_timestamp : capistrano deploy date in unix timestamp format

e.g. :

  • version.json
    "commit_date": "2015-11-25T16:25:50+0000",
    "full_commit": "576e27c6ebcef6987f143e1468a815eaf2eb8bc1",
    "version": "v0.8.0-268-g576e27c",
    "commit_timestamp": "1448468750",
    "deploy_date": "2015-11-25T16:45:39+0000",
    "deploy_timestamp": "1448469939",
    "abbrev_commit": "576e27c"
  • version.ini
commit_date = 2015-11-25T16:25:50+0000
full_commit = 576e27c6ebcef6987f143e1468a815eaf2eb8bc1
version = v0.8.0-268-g576e27c
commit_timestamp = 1448468750
deploy_date = 2015-11-25T16:45:43+0000
deploy_timestamp = 1448469943
abbrev_commit = 576e27c
  • version.yml
abbrev_commit: 576e27c
commit_date: 2015-11-25T16:25:50+0000
commit_timestamp: '1448468750'
deploy_date: 2015-11-25T16:45:41+0000
deploy_timestamp: '1448469941'
full_commit: 576e27c6ebcef6987f143e1468a815eaf2eb8bc1
version: v0.8.0-268-g576e27c
  • version.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.