Capistrano extensions for FORMER 03

Adds Features for Capistrano that are needed for FORMER 03's deployment

Gem version

Implemented features:

  • Local git checkout should be deployed via rsync (to save bandwidth/time) -- saves bandwitdh and time -- be independent of git on remote hosts -- execute pre deployment tasks on controlled environment (e.g. sass compilation)
  • Support of git submodules
  • Support of destinations server without public key authentication
  • Deploy own static compiled versions of busybox and rsync if configured / needed
  • Relative symlinking (often needed if ssh or webapp is chrooted)
  • Current directory is no symlink (some hosting provider don't support wwwroot symlinked)
  • Fix rights at local_stage

(Planned) features:



  • Ruby >= 2.0
  • Capistrano == 3.2.1
  • Rsync >= 2.6


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-former03'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install capistrano-former03



require 'capistrano/former03'

deploy as usual

$ cap deploy


Set capistrano variables with set name, value.

Name Default Description
local_stage tmp/deploy local stage path
remote_stage shared/deploy remote stage path
remote_bin shared/deploy_bin remote bin path
rsync_options --archive --delete rsync options
deploy_busybox_bin false deploy a static version of busybox
deploy_rsync_bin nil (Autodetect) deploy a static version of rsync
relative_symlinks true create all symlinks with relative
current_path_real_dir false move actual release to current_path to have a real directory instead of symlink
ensure_file_mode nil If given all files are chmoded to that mode
ensure_dir_mode nil If given all directories are chmoded to that mode
ensure_path_mode {} Dictionary with path => mode mapping for special files/directories


local machine

|-- app
|-- config
|-- lib
|-- ...
|-- ...
`-- tmp
    `-- deploy (rsync src ==>)

deployment hosts

|-- current -> /var/www/your_project/releases/20140219074628
|-- releases
|   |-- 20140219062041
|   |-- 20140219063022
|   `-- 20140219074628
|-- revisions.log
`-- shared
    |-- vendor
    |-- deploy (==> rsync dest)
    |-- deploy_bin (==> static binaries)
    `-- log


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request



The MIT License (MIT)