
Fork CMS specific Capistrano tasks

Capistrano ForkCMS - Easy deployment of ForkCMS 5+ apps with Ruby over SSH.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-forkcms'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Require the module in your Capfile:

require "capistrano/forkcms"

The plugin comes with some tasks:

  • forkcms:configure:composer, which will configure the capistrano/composer plugin.
  • forkcms:opcache:reset, which will reset the opcache.
  • forkcms:symlink:document_root, which will link the document_root to the current-folder.

But you won't need any of them as everything is wired automagically.


Configuration options:

  • :php_bin_custom_path, this will allow you to configure a custom PHP binary, the fallback is php.
  • :opcache_reset_strategy, the reset strategy. Possible options: file, fcgi
  • opcache_reset_fcgi_connection_string, the fcgi-connection string used for the cachetool. required when :opcache_reset_strategy is fcgi.
  • opcache_reset_base_url, the public url of your website. Required when :opcache_reset_strategy is file


If you are using file as the strategy, you will need to alter the .htaccess-file to allow 'php-opcache-reset.php' to be accessed directly.

Add RewriteRule ^php-opcache-reset\.php$ - [L] below RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] in the .htaccess-file

How to use with a fresh Fork install

  1. Create a Capfile with the content below:
set :deploy_config_path, 'app/config/capistrano/deploy.rb'
set :stage_config_path, 'app/config/capistrano/stages'

require 'capistrano/setup'
require 'capistrano/deploy'
require 'capistrano/scm/git'
install_plugin Capistrano::SCM::Git
require 'capistrano/forkcms'

set :format_options, log_file: 'var/logs/capistrano.log'

Dir.glob('app/config/capistrano/tasks/*.rake').each { |r| import r }
  1. Create a file called app/config/capistrano/deploy.rb, with the content below:
set :application, "$your-application-name"
set :repo_url, "$your-repo-url"

set :keep_releases, 3
  1. Create a file called app/config/capistrano/stages/production.rb, with the content below:
server "$your-server-hostname", user: "$your-user", roles: %w{app db web}

set :deploy_to, "$your-path-where-everything-should-be-deployed" # eg: /home/johndoe/apps/website
set :document_root, "$your-document-root" # eg: /var/www

set :opcache_reset_strategy, "fcgi"
set :opcache_reset_fcgi_connection_string, "$your-php-fpm-socket-or-connection-string" # eg: /var/run/php_71_fpm_sites.sock

# or if you are not using FCGI/FPM
#set :opcache_reset_strategy, "file"
#set :opcache_reset_base_url, "$your-public-url" # eg: ""

set :branch, "master"
set :keep_releases, 3
set :php_bin, "php"

SSHKit.config.command_map[:composer] = "#{fetch :php_bin} #{shared_path.join("composer.phar")}"
SSHKit.config.command_map[:php] = fetch(:php_bin)
  1. Create a file called app/config/capistrano/stages/staging.rb, with the content below:
server "$your-server-hostname", user: "$your-user", roles: %w{app db web}
set :deploy_to, "$your-path-where-everything-should-be-deployed" # eg: /home/johndoe/apps/website
set :document_root, "$your-document-root" # eg: /var/www

set :opcache_reset_strategy, "fcgi"
set :opcache_reset_fcgi_connection_string, "$your-php-fpm-socket-or-connection-string" # eg: /var/run/php_71_fpm_sites.sock

# or if you are not using FCGI/FPM
#set :opcache_reset_strategy, "file"
#set :opcache_reset_base_url, "$your-public-url" # eg: ""

set :branch, "staging"


Built in migrations allow you to easily update your database or locale when deploying a new codebase.


Each migration is contained in its own folder in the main migrations folder (e.g. migrations/new-editor-feature).
When deploying, this gem will check if new-editor-feature has been executed before. If it hasn't, it will be executed and saved.


To create a migration for the locale, create a file called locale.xml in your migration folder (e.g. migrations/new-editor-feature/locale.xml).
This file will be imported automatically using the bin/console forkcms:locale:import command.


To create a migration for the database, create a file called update.sql in your migration folder (e.g. migrations/new-editor-feature/update.sql).
This file will be imported automatically using mysql so make sure you don't accidentally delete your database.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.