
capistrano-fiesta integrates capistrano with GitHub pull requests and Slack, making sharing release reports with the rest of the team a breeze.

When deploying, capistrano-fiesta will compile an editable list of pull requests merged to master since the last release, pulling out any images from the descriptions so they can be attached as screenshots:

The edited content will be posted to Slack:


  1. To get automated posting to Slack, first install Slackistrano.
  2. Add capistrano-fiesta to your application's Gemfile:
  gem 'capistrano-fiesta'
  1. Require in the capfile or appropriate stage and configure the Slack channel:
  require 'capistrano-fiesta'
  set :fiesta_slack_channel, '#release'
  1. If you're using hub or pt-flow, your GitHub credentials should already be configured. Otherwise you can use the ENV vars in Octokit to configure GitHub access.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.