Capistrano Confirm

Confirm before deploy.

Make sure you are not deploying the wrong branch, and remind you should deploy it after code review!

Please use it, because I write it after deployed a wrong branch to our production server! ;(


1, Add it to your Gemfile:

  gem 'capistrano-confirm'

2, Require it in your deploy config file, it should be `config/deploy.rb` for rails

  require "bundler/setup"
  require 'capistrano/confirm'

3, Only want to confirm for some stages? customize `confirm_stages` as your like.

  For example, only want to confirm when deploying production, Add below to your deploy.rb
    set :confirm_stages, "production"

  Or confirm when deploying staging and production? Ok, Add something like this
    set :confirm_stages, [:production, :staging]


Jinzhu Zhang