This gem provides upload support for capistrano. It lets you upload the contents of the release directory for each release.


  1. Add cap-scm-upload to your Gemfile
# Gemfile
gem 'cap-scm-upload'
  1. Use upload scm in Capistrano ``` # Capfile

require 'cap-scm-upload' set :scm, :upoad

3. Fill the release directory before uploading


desc "Build the app" task :build do sh "rm -rf release" sh "GOOS=linux go build -o release/app" end

before :'upload:create_release', :build

## Config

You can use `set :local_release_path, "/path/to/your/release"`, the default is
the "release" directory in your current directory.

## Meta-fu

`cap-scm-upload` is released under the MIT license, see LICENSE.MIT for
details. Bug reports and feature requests are welcome.

This is similar to cap-scm-copy, but lets you choose a subdirectory instead of
uploading your working directory.