
Cameleon (not Chameleon!) is HTTP mock/stub server framework based on Rack. You can easily create HTTP server behaves as external system for your application.

All you have to do to create a new HTTP interface is simply make directory and put response file into the directory.


  • Easy to create new HTTP interfaces (only to create directory and put response file into it)
  • Simple API for "_switch.rb" (for selecting response file)
  • Communicate in JSON, XML or any other format over HTTP
  • Ready for RESTful API


You can install Cameleon using RubyGems as below:

$ gem install cameleon

Getting started

First, create a new Cameleon project using 'cameleon new' command.

$ cameleon new your_project_name

Move into the directory you've created now, and start cameleon server.

$ cd your_project_name
$ cameleon server

OK, your server is now running. Test your server using curl.

$ curl http://localhost:9292
Hey, I am cameleon!
Edit response folder to change response whatever you want.
see more detail.


creating HTTP interface

Think about creating HTTP interface such like below:

  • URL: /path/to/interface
  • response: "ok"

Follow these steps:

$ mkdir -p response/path/to/interface
$ cd response/path/to/interface
$ echo "ok" > default.txt

Test the interface:

$ curl http://localhost:9292/path/to/interface

generate command

You can create a interface using "cameleon generate" command. If you want to create a new interface "/path/to/foo", type:

$ cameleon generate path/to/foo

and test it.

$ curl http://localhost:9292/path/to/foo
edit me: response/path/to/foo/default

Edit the file as you need.


If you want to change the response by HTTP request, you should create "_switch.rb" in your response directory. "_switch.rb" should be pure Ruby file. You can write any logic you need in Ruby.

Below shows a sample of "_switch.rb".

# you can access URL parameters by 'params'
case params[:key]
when "foo"
  # curl http://localhost:9292/gallery/params?key=foo
  render "foo.txt"
when "bar"
  # You can also use POST or PUT. See 'rest' more about hadling HTTP methods.
  # curl -XPOST http://localhost:9292/gallery/params -d"key=bar"
  render "bar.txt"

# if else, render "default" (any extention acceptable) file.


Cameleon supports RESTful URI such as:


If you want to use such URI, create directory as below.


Directory that name start with '$' is placeholder of the URI. If directory name is '$category_name/$id' and URI 'fiction/12', 'fiction' and '12' are mapped into params['category_name'] and params['id']. Then in your _switch.rb or response(erb) file, you can use params['category_name'] and params['id'] they are specified by URI.


Cameleon can validate HTTP request body. Currently JSON format is supported. If you want to validate your request to Cameleon, add 'validation' attribute and 'type' sub-attribute as 'json' into your 'cameleon.yml' config file.

port: 9292
  type: json

then put 'request.schema.json' into response directory. If your interface allows json request body like:

{"a": 1}

You should create 'request.schema.json' like:

  "type" : "object",
  "properties" : {
    "a" : {
      "type" : "integer",
      "required" : true

Cameleon uses json-schema gem as validation engine, and it's based on JSON Schema Draft 3. See json-schema for more detail.


Cameleon validates request body only in POST or PUT http method.

You can get various samples using "cameleon gallery" command.

$ cameleon gallery

Check out response/gallery directory and "_switch.rb" to know usage of APIs.


Cameleon is released under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2011 - 2014 daisuke sugimori (@daixque).