A ruby gem - camdict

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The ruby gem camdict is a Cambridge online dictionary client. You could use this excellent dictionary with a browser, but now it is possible to use it with this ruby API in your code.


gem install camdict


The gem can be tested by below commands in the directory where it's installed. rake - run all the testcases which don't need internet connection. rake itest - run all the testcases that need internet connection. rake testall - run all above tests.


    require 'camdict'

    # Look up a new word
    word = Camdict::Word.new 'health'

    # Print the part of speech
    puts health.part_of_speech   #=> noun

    # What's the first meaning
    puts health.meaning          #=>
    # the condition of the body and the degree to which it is free from
    # illness, or the state of being well:

    # all meanings
    puts health.meanings         #=> in addition to above meaning, it prints
    # the condition of something that changes or develops, such as an
    # organization or system:

Need more? try health.print to show more data in a friendly format.


The release of this gem follows the semantic versioning rules.

Licence MIT

Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Pan Gaoyong