
"...I must become Caligari!"


caligari installs configuration files by symbolically linking all of the files from the given paths directly to the current user's home directory with the same relative file structure, creating any requisite directories as-needed.


caligari allows you to exclude files matching a given fnmatch pattern with the --exclude/-x flag. For example, the following may be used to exclude all backup files and vim swap files:

caligari --exclude '**/*~' '**/*.swp'

By default, caligari will simply skip over any files which already exist in the current user's home directory; however, you can force caligari to overwrite existing files with the --force/-f flag:

caligari --force

caligari is normally silent except for warnings and errors; if you want more explicit output about the operations caligari performs, simply use the --verbose/-V flag. This flag will report all of the file system operations caligari performs, each with an appropriate label:

  • ln for created symbolic links
  • path for created directory paths
  • rm for unlinked files
  • err for any errors encountered

caligari reports operations in this way so that they may be filtered in whichever way the user desires. For example, you could print a list of the files removed by a forceful caligari run like so:

caligari --force --verbose | awk '/^rm:/ { print $2 }'

You may also simulate the actions caligari would normally take upon the file system by passing the --simulate/-s flag. This implies the --verbose flag, allowing you to inspect which actions caligari would take if run:

$ caligari --simulate --force
rm:   /home/user/do-not-remove
ln:   /home/user/do-not-remove


caligari may be configured by editing the system-wide configuration file (defined by default as /etc/xdg/caligari.yml) or the per-user configuration file (defined by default as ~/.config/caligari.yml). These configuration files are simple YAML files which define the default exclusion patterns used by caligari.

Example ~/.config/caligari.yml to automatically exclude the .git directory and all files:

- "**/.git"
- "**/"


gem install caligari


Just clone the git repository and run bundle install to install the development and runtime dependencies:

git clone
cd caligari
bundle install

You can run Caligari locally for development purposes by running it directly from the repository like so:


To install a local copy of Caligari, simply run rake install.


Caligari is made available under the terms of the MIT Expat license. See the included LICENSE file for more information.