Rails 3

Cal Months

Allows for importing ical format calendars to the database with some default calendar views.


Install the gem: gem cal_months

Install the required files in your rails app: $ rails g cal_months:install

Run migrations: $ rake db:migrate

Manually installing assets

Stylesheet: // require cal_month

Javascript: //= require cal_month

Add Default Calendar Partial to a View

Add this to your view: render 'cal_months/calendar'

Add this to your controller:

@cal_month = CalMonth.current_month
@current_event = CalMonth.upcoming_events.first

Note: @cal_month can be any CalMonth, and @current_event can be any item in the CalMonth.upcoming_events array.

Importing icalendar

ical = File.open('path_to_ical.ics', 'r')