Event-driven HTTP Multipart Parser

This is based on https://github.com/danabr/multipart-parser, with modifications to suit my use-case.

It currently depends on finding a Content-Length part header to avoid having to scan the entire body. It will raise Cae::MultipartParser::Parser::ContentLengthUnsetError if this header is not present.


parser = Cae::MultipartParser::Parser.new(boundary: boundary)

parser.parse fh do |part|
    # part.headers and part.content_length should be set now
    # headers are underscored and uppercased:
    if part.headers['CONTENT_TYPE'] == 'text/html'
        # ...

    # content_length is an integer:
    if part.content_length < 1024
        # ...

    while part.body.read(chunksize, buf)
        # buf contains up to chunksize bytes of data.
        # Do not assume if less than chunksize is returned, you're done,
        # for internal as-yet-to-be-fixed reasons.
        # Only stop when #read returns nil. Note that #read is NOT IO#read,
        # but is mostly compatible.

    # all the part body has now been read