• batchinsert mode ruby based index provider
  • support for batchinsert mode! just open the database with Cadet::BatchInserter::Session.open() instead of Cadet::Session.open()! this no-ops transaction, simply yielding to the supplied block.

super simple. you dont even need to download neo4j.

  1. Gemfile

    gem 'cadet'
  2. bundle install

  3. cadet-example.rb

    require 'cadet'
    require 'yaml'
    data = YAML.load_file('legislators-current.yaml')
    #open the database, db is now used to interact with the database
    db = Cadet::Session.open("neo4j-community-2.0.0/data/graph.db")
    db.transaction do
      ["Legislator", "Party", "Gender", "State"].each {|v| db.constraint v, "name"}
    data.each do |leg|
      #begin a transaction. the transaction will automatically finish at the end of the provided block
      db.transaction do
        #get_a_X_by_y(value) will get or create a node labeled 'X', with a property 'y' of value 'value'
        l = db.get_a_Legislator_by_name leg["name"]["official_full"]
        p = db.get_a_Party_by_name      leg["terms"].first["party"]
        g = db.get_a_Gender_by_name     leg["bio"]["gender"]
        s = db.get_a_State_by_name      leg["terms"].first["state"]
        l.outgoing(:party)      << p
        l.outgoing(:gender)     << g
        l.outgoing(:represents) << s
    #close the database
  4. bundle exec ruby