
A Ruby caching library implementing Basic, FIFO, LRU, TTL and LIRS caches.

CacheLib is young library and breaking api changes are still possible. Please read the release notes before upgrading.

CacheLib currently implements basic, FIFO, LRU and LIRS caches along with offering thread safe implementations of each. Originally a LIRS cache feature fork of LruRedux, CacheLib was built to provide a clean base for implementing the LIRS cache in Ruby, along with offering a user friendly api.


The basic cache is the simplest cache available and forms the base for the others. It does NOT have an eviction strategy and will store however much it is given.


The FIFO cache adds to the basic cache with a simple First In First Our eviction strategy to limit the cache size to a user set limit.


The LRU cache further adds to the previous caches with a Least Recently Used eviction strategy. The primary difference between FIFO and LRU is that LRU will refresh currently cached items if they are requested again.


The TTL cache is an extension of the LRU cache, adding a TTL eviction strategy that takes precedence over LRU eviction.


The LIRS cache implements the Low Inter-Reference Recency Set eviction policy. LIRS improves performance over LRU by taking into account the recency and reuse of an item in eviction selection. Please reference the original paper for more information.

CacheLib is Ruby >= 1.9.3 only.

If you are looking for a LRU cache that supports an earlier version or just want an alternative LRU cache, please take a look at LruRedux.


Creating a cache

require 'cache_lib'

# Basic
cache = CacheLib.create :basic

# FIFO with a limit of 100
cache = CacheLib.create :fifo, 100

# LRU with a limit of 100
cache = CacheLib.create :lru, 100

# TTL with a limit of 100 and a ttl of 5 minutes.
cache = CacheLib.create :ttl, 100, 5 * 60

# LIRS with a cache limit of 100, made up of a S limit of 95 and a Q limit of 5.
cache = CacheLib.create :lirs, 95, 5

# Threadsafe versions of every cache can be made by using CacheLib.safe_create
cache = CacheLib.safe_create :lirs, 95, 5

Using the cache

# Cache methods remain the same across all variations
cache = CacheLib.create :lru, 100

# .get is the primary method for accessing the cache.
# It requires a key and block that will generate the value that is stored
# if the key is not cached.
cache.get(:a) { 'Apple' }
# => 'Apple'
cache.get(:b) { 'Beethoven' }
# => 'Beethoven'
cache.get(:a) { 'Apricot' }
# => 'Apple'

# .store takes a key and value and implements the functionality of Hash#store.
# Will refresh the key in LRU and LIRS caches., 'Chopin')
# => 'Chopin', 'Mozart')
# => 'Mozart'

# []= is equivalent to .store.
cache[:d] = 'Denmark'
# => 'Denmark'

# .lookup takes a key and returns either the value if the key is cached or nil if it is not.
# => 'Chopin'
# => nil

# [] is equivalent to .lookup.
# => 'Mozart'

# .fetch is similar to .lookup,
# but takes an optional block that will execute if the key is not cached.
# => 'Chopin'
cache.fetch(:r) { 21 * 2 }
# => 42

# .evict takes a key and will remove the key from the cache and return the associated value.
# Returns nil is the key is not cached.
# => 'Denmark'
# => nil

# .delete is equivalent to .evict
# => nil

# .each takes each key value pair and applies the given block to them.
cache.each { |_, value| puts value }
# => 'Chopin'
# => 'Mozart'
# => 'Beethoven'

# .key? takes a key and returns true if it is cached and false if it is not.
# => true
# => false

# .to_a returns an array of arrays of key value pairs that are cached.
# Basic, FIFO and LIRS are insertion ordered while LRU and TTL are recency ordered,
# starting with the newest.
# => [[:c, 'Chopin'], [:a, 'Mozart'], [:b, 'Beethoven']]

# .keys returns an array of the keys that are cached.
# => [:c, :a, :b]

# .values returns an array of the values that are cached.
# => ['Chopin', 'Mozart', 'Beethoven']

# .size returns the current number of items that are cached.
# => 3

# .limit returns the current cache limit.
# => 100

# The limit can be changed with .limit=.
cache.limit = 125
# => 125

# .clear removes all items from the cache.
# => nil

# The LIRS and TTL caches have additional options for .limit=.
lirs = CacheLib.create :lirs, 95, 5
ttl = CacheLib.create :ttl, 100, 5 * 60

# LIRS require both the Stack limit and Queue limit be given,
# and their sum is the cache limit.
lirs.limit = 120, 5
# => [120, 5]
# => 125

# TTL can have a new limit and ttl set at the same time.
ttl.limit = 125, 10 * 60
# => [125, 600]

# Or just the limit
ttl.limit = 150

# Or just the ttl
ttl.limit = nil, 6 * 60

Credits and Notices

See for details.

Copyright (c) 2015 Kaijah Hougham

See LICENSE.txt for details.