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Flowplayer Helper for Rails 3 applications

  1. gem 'flowplayer' in your gem file
  2. copy assets
    • With asset pipeline rails g flowplayer or rails g flowplayer commercial
    • Without asset pipeline rails g flowplayer --without-asset-pipeline or rails g flowplayer commercial --without-asset-pipeline
  3. add javascript_include_tag 'flowplayer.min.js' to your application layout
  4. read below


<a id='video' style='display:block;width:512px;height312px;'>

For JQuery

= flowplayer_for :video, '/flowplayer.swf', 'jquery' do |player|
  - player.playlist [{:url => "video_still.jpg" }, {:url => "video_512x288.flv", :autoPlay => false, :autoBuffering => true }]
  - player.onLoad do
    - 'this.unmute();'

For Prototype

= flowplayer_for :video, '/flowplayer.swf', 'prototype' do |player|
  - player.playlist [{:url => "video_still.jpg" }, {:url => "video_512x288.flv", :autoPlay => false, :autoBuffering => true }]
  - player.onLoad do
    - 'this.unmute();'

Configs are the same ones here


More documentation