Cloud 66 Toolbelt: c66

Cloud 66 Toolbelt is a simple command-line tool for the awesome Cloud 66 customers. It allows you to deploy, modify settings and retrieve the current status of your Cloud 66 stacks, and much more!


You can install the Cloud 66 Toolbelt using RubyGems:

$ gem install c66



With c66 installed, you can display the help with one of the following instructions:

$ c66 help


$ c66

Initialize the Toolbelt

Firstly, to use the Toolbelt, you will need to initiate it using:

$ c66 init

Then visit the URL given once authorized, copy and paste the authorization code into the command-line interface.

You need to sign in and allow the Cloud 66 Toolbelt application to use your account to access to the authorization code.

Note: This is a one-off task.

List the Stacks

You can list all your stacks using:

$ c66 list

Deploy a Stack

Deploy a stack using the command deploy with a stack UID (Unique Identifer):

$ c66 deploy --stack <stack_UID>


$ c66 deploy -s <stack_UID>

You can retrieve the UID of a stack using the list command.

Through the Cloud 66 interface, click on your stack, then click on the cog and select the stack information view to retrieve the UID:


The stack UID is saved when you deploy through the Cloud 66 Toolbelt. It allows you to deploy a stack without putting the stack UID every time:

$ c66 deploy

you can use a short-cut for this command:

$ c66 d

Settings of a Stack

It is possible to retrieve the settings of a specified stack and to easily modify them:

To display the settings:

$ c66 settings --stack <stack_UID>


$ c66 settings -s <stack_UID>

If your stack UID is saved:

$ c66 settings

To modify a setting:

$ c66 set --stack <stack_UID> --setting_name <setting_name> --value <value>


$ c66 set -s <stack_UID> -n <setting_name> -v <value>

If the stack UID is saved:

$ c66 set --setting_name <setting_name> --value <value>


$ c66 set -n <setting_name> -v <value>


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Copyright (c) 2013 Cloud66 Limited.. See LICENSE for details.