
bytes - bits 'n' bytes made easy/easier incl. new buffer helper / wrapper class to help with the string byte vs character dichotomy

Background - Programming Bits, Bytes 'n' Blocks Step-by-Step Book / Guide

Let's start with the three types of strings, that is, bytes, (string) buffers, and (frozen) strings, ...

Byte vs. Character

What's a Byte?

A byte is a 8-bit integer number (that is, unsigned from 0 to 255 or signed from -128 to 127 using 2's complement). Example:

0b01000001              #=> 65  - base 2  - binary bits
65                      #=> 65  - base 10 - decimal numbers
0x41                    #=> 65  - base 16 - hexadecimal numbers
[0b01000001, 65, 0x41]
#=> [65, 65, 65]

Or with conversions to 8-bit integer numbers. Example:

"01000001".to_i(2)     #=> 65
"65".to_i(10)          #=> 65
"65".to_i              #=> 65 - same as to_i(10)
"41".to_i(16)          #=> 65
"0x41".to_i(16)        #=> 65 - same as "41" - 0x hex prefix gets skipped
["01000001".to_i(2), "65".to_i(10), "41".to_i(16)]
#=> [65, 65, 65]

Note: String#hex is a built-in short-cut / alias for String#to_i(16). Example:

"41".hex          #=> 65
"0x41".hex        #=> 65 - same as "41" - 0x hex prefix gets

What's a Character?

A character (or char) used to be a byte and, thus, a string (array) of characters was also an array of bytes. Example:

?A.ord        #=> 65 - ASCII character
"A".ord       #=> 65 - ASCII character
"\x41".ord    #=> 65 - ASCII character
[?A.ord, "A".ord, "\x41".ord]
#=> [65, 65, 65]

History Nostalgia Corner: ASCII 7-Bit Character Encoding

ASCII abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding standard for electronic communication. ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices. Most modern character-encoding schemes are based on ASCII, although they support many additional characters.

ASCII is the traditional name for the encoding system; the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) prefers the updated name US-ASCII, which clarifies that this system was developed in the US and based on the typographical symbols predominantly in use there.

(Source: ASCII @ Wikipedia)

Nowadays a character can have one, two or even more bytes. Let's try:

## Latin Capital Letter A (Unicode) - 1 Byte
"A".bytes          #=> [65]
"\x41".bytes       #=> [65] - same as "A"
"\u0041".bytes     #=> [65]
"\u{41}".bytes     #=> [65] - same as "\u0041" - leading zeros can be dropped
"A".bytes.size     #=> 1
"A".chars.size     #=> 1

## Cyrillic Capital Letter A (Unicode) - 2 Bytes
"А".bytes          #=> [208, 144]
"\u0410".bytes     #=> [208, 144] - same "А"
"\u{410}".bytes    #=> [208, 144] - same as "\u0410" - leading zeros can be dropped
"А".bytes.size     #=> 2
"А".chars.size     #=> 1

# Old Persian Number One (Unicode) - 4 Bytes
"𐏑".bytes          #=> [240, 144, 143, 145]
"\u{103D1}".bytes  #=> [240, 144, 143, 145]
"\u{103d1}".bytes  #=> [240, 144, 143, 145] same as "\u{103D1}"
"𐏑".bytes.size     #=> 4
"𐏑".chars.size     #=> 1

# ...

String of Bytes or String of Characters? Yes, Yes, Yes

In ruby the String class can morph into three types:

  • Bytes
  • Mutable String a.k.a String Buffer
  • Immutable String a.k.a. Frozen String

Bytes / Binary or "".b creates new bytes, that is, a new binary string buffer with the ASCII_8BIT encoding also known as BINARY. Let's try:        #=> <Encoding::ASCII_8BIT>"".b).encoding  #=> <Encoding::ASCII_8BIT>
"".b.encoding              #=> <Encoding::ASCII_8BIT>

Encoding::BINARY == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT  #=> true

# or using the "type-safe" Bytes class                  #=> <Encoding::ASCII_8BIT>"").encoding              #=> <Encoding::ASCII_8BIT>"abc").encoding           #=> <Encoding::ASCII_8BIT>"\x61\x62\x63").encoding  #=> <Encoding::ASCII_8BIT>

String Buffer

If you use"") (note the "" passed in) or the string literal "" that creates a new string buffer with the default encoding (usually UTF-8). Let's try:

# encoding: utf-8"").encoding     #=> <Encoding::UTF_8>
"".encoding                 #=> <Encoding::UTF_8>

Frozen String

If you use the recommended # frozen_string_literal: true magic comment or pragma you can automagically turn all string literals into frozen (immutable) strings with the default encoding (usually UTF-8). Let's try:

# frozen_string_literal: true
"".frozen?                 #=> true
"Hello, World!".frozen?    #=> true         #=> false"").frozen?     #=> false

To be continued ...


BytesHelper - From Bytes (Binary String) to Hex(adecimal) String and Back

require 'bytes

Bytes.bin_to_hex( "\x61\x62".b )
#=> '6162'

Bytes.hex_to_bin( '6162' )     # or
Bytes.hex_to_bin( '0x6162' )   # or
#=> "\x61\x62".b

Bytes.is_hex?( '6162' )
Bytes.is_hex?( '0x6162' )
Bytes.is_hex?( '' )     # empty string or
Bytes.is_hex?( '0x' )   # empty hex string
#=> true

Bytes.is_hex?( 'xyz' )
Bytes.is_hex?( '0xyz' )
#=> false

Bytes.hex_to_bin( 'xzy' )  # or
Bytes.hex_to_bin( '0xxzy' )
#=>  raises TypeError - non-hexadecimal digit found

Note: You can use the shorter alternate alias names btoh or htob for bin_to_hex and hex_to_bin.

Or use the mixed-in String class variants. Example:

"\x61\x62".b.bin_to_hex   # or
#=> '6162'

'6162'.hex_to_bin      # or
'6162'.htob            # or
'0x6162'.hex_to_bin    # or
'0x6162'.htob          # or
#=> "\x61\x62".b

''.is_hex?        # empty string or
'0x'.is_hex?      # empty hex string
#=> true

#=> false

'xzy'.htob   # or
#=>  raises TypeError - non-hexadecimal digit found

and so on.


The bytes scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Send them along to the wwwmake forum. Thanks!