ButterCMS API Ruby Client


To setup your project, follow these steps:

  1. Install using gem install buttercms-ruby or by adding to your Gemfile:
  gem 'buttercms-ruby', '~>1.0.1'
  1. Set your API token.
  require 'buttercms-ruby'

  ButterCMS::api_token = "YourToken"

Quick Start

posts = ButterCMS::Post.all(page: 1, page_size: 10)
puts posts.first.title
puts posts.meta.next_page

posts = ButterCMS::Post.search("my favorite post", {page: 1, page_size: 10})
puts posts.first.title

post = ButterCMS::Post.find("post-slug")
puts post.title

author = ButterCMS::Author.find("author-slug")
puts author.first_name

category = ButterCMS::Category.find("category-slug")
puts category.name

rss_feed = ButterCMS::Feed.find(:rss)
puts rss_feed.data