
Utility for caching bundled gems.

Especially useful for CI servers that rely on clean build directories, or use multiple build directories and need to run bundle install repeatedly.

How it works

bundle-depot fetch
bundle install --path .bundle/depot/current
bundle-depot store 

This will:

  1. Create a SHA2 hash from the project's Gemfile.lock (e.g. 314ff159)
  2. If required, a folder .bundle/depot/cache/314ff159 is created. This is the local cache.
  3. A remote location is checked for a file 314ff159.tar.gz. If available it is downloaded and unpacked.
  4. A symlink is managed to point from .bundle/depot/current to .bundle/depot/cache/314ff159
  5. bundle install is installing gems when both caches are cold. Otherwise, does nothing \o/
  6. Tar and zip .bundle/depot/cache/314ff159 into .bundle/depot/cache/314ff159.tar.gz
  7. Upload 314ff159.tar.gz to the remote cache

Whenever the Gemfile changes in subsequent runs this process will repeat itself. .bundle/depot/current will point to the cache entry that contains the most recent bundle gems.

Shared Cache on the local machine

This can be used to setup a shared cache on the same machine by configuring the environent variable BUNDLE_DEPOT_CACHE.

export BUNDLE_DEPOT_CACHE=/var/lib/bundle_depot
bundle-depot fetch 
bundle install --path .bundle/depot/current
bundle-depot store 

Instead of using .bundle/depot/cache this will then use /var/lib/bundle_depot as a shared cache folder.

Remote Caching

When a remote store is configured this sequence will check and update a remote cache location:

export BUNDLE_DEPOT_SCP_HOST=cache.example.com

bundle-depot fetch 
bundle install --path .bundle/depot/current
bundle-depot store 

In addition to checking the local cache on the file system, this will check the existance of a zipped bundle on a remote location. Currently supported is a connection via SCP.

Configuration Options

  • BUNDLE_DEPOT_CACHE Point to where you want to keep your local cache. Defaults to .bundle/depot/cache

  • BUNDLE_DEPOT_SCP_HOST Activates remote cache. Sets the host the cache will be uploaded to.

  • BUNDLE_DEPOT_SCP_USER and BUNDLE_DEPOT_SCP_USER The credentials for the SCP session.

Complete Example

set -o errexit  # abort after the first command that fails

fmt <<'EOF'
  Preparing Build Agent Environment
gem install bundle_depot --bindir bin --no-rdoc --no-ri

fmt <<'EOF'
  Bundle it! 
export BUNDLE_DEPOT_CACHE=/var/lib/bundle_depot
export BUNDLD_DEPOT_SCP_HOST=cache.example.com

bin/bundle-depot fetch
bundle install --path .bundle/depot/current --frozen
bin/bundle-depot store


$ gem install bundle_depot


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request