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bulma_form_rails provides Rails helpers for efficiently building forms using the Bulma CSS library.


Standard fields with default or custom labels, standard and optional CSS classes

  • bulma_input with all type options
  • bulma_text_area
  • bulma_checkbox
  • bulma_radio_group defines all radio options with a single call
  • bulma_select
  • bulma_date_select
  • bulma_time_select
  • bulma_datetime_select

Custom and aggregate fields

  • bulma_custom_field with a standard field label and custom markup passed in a block
  • bulma_child_objects creates a "field" with a label and an editable subform for a collection of objects, including options for column totals and row add/delete buttons

Message boxes

  • bulma_message_box renders a standard flash messages box
  • bulma_validation_box renders a standard model validation messages box

Headers and footers

  • bulma_index_header renders a header for a standard index page
  • bulma_form_footer renders a footer for a standard model form page

Form page template helpers

  • bulma_new_form_page
  • bulma_edit_form_page


Form page

Sample form page screenshot

Index page

Sample index pager screenshot


Installing Bulma

You should have generated your application using something similar to the following command:

$ rails new -c bulma app_name

Or for an existing application, you should install Bulma as the Rails application generator would have:

$ bundle add cssbundling-rails
$ bin/rails css:install:bulma

If you were using importmaps in an existing application

You may need to remove these lines from app/assets/config/manifest.js:

-//= link_tree ../../javascript .js
-//= link_tree ../../../vendor/javascript .js

and you may need to replace <%= javascript_importmap_tags %> with <%= javascript_include_tag "application", "data-turbo-track": "reload", defer: true %> in app.views/layouts/application.html.erb.

Installing Pagy

You will need to install the Pagy gem if you haven't already done so:

$ bundle add pagy


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add bulma_form_rails

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bulma_form_rails

Continue your installation by executing:

$ bin/rails bulma_form_rails:install
$ bin/rails generate bulma_form_rails:pagy_config
$ bin/rails generate bulma_form_rails:views
$ bin/rails assets:precompile

rails bulma_form_rails:install will add required resources to your application. The Rails generators will create your initial implementation view and configuration templates. If you modify the generated files, you might not want to to run these generators again.

The final installation step is to manually include Pagy::Backend in your ApplicationController definition and include Pagy::Frontend in your ApplicationHelper module definition.


(for a hypothetical user management UI)

Sample index.html.erb page

<section class="section">
  <%= bulma_index_header :user, new_user_path(page: params[:page]) %>
  <!-- Your index action content goes here. -->
  <%= pagy_bulma_nav(@pagy) %>

Sample new.html.erb page

<%= bulma_new_form_page :user, @user, users_path(page: params[:page]) %>

Sample edit.html.erb page

<%= bulma_edit_form_page :user, @user, users_path(page: params[:page]), user_path(page: params[:page]) %>

Sample _form.html.erb partial

<%= form_with model: user, url: url do |form| %>
  <%= bulma_validation_box user %>

  <fieldset id="basic_fields" class="box">
    <legend>Basic User Information</legend>

    <%= bulma_input form, :username, :text, class: 'is-danger' %>

    <%= bulma_custom_field(form, :password) do %>
      <div class="field">
        <div class="control">
          <%= password_field_tag 'user[password]', user.password, class: 'input is-danger' %>
    <% end %>

    <%= bulma_custom_field(form, :confirmed_password) do %>
      <div class="field">
        <div class="control">
          <%= password_field_tag 'user[confirmed_password]', user.confirmed_password, class: 'input is-danger' %>
    <% end %>

    <%= bulma_check_box form, :login_allowed, label: 'Login allowed?' %>
    <%= bulma_select form, :role_id, selectable_roles(@session_role), class: 'is-danger' %>
    <%= bulma_radio_group form, :role, [['Administrator', :admin], ['Regular user', :regular]], class: 'has-text-danger' %>


  <fieldset id="person_fields" class="box">
    <legend>Personal Information</legend>

    <%= form.fields_for :person do |person_subform| %>
      <%= bulma_input person_subform, :first_name, :text, class: 'is-danger' %>
      <%= bulma_input person_subform, :middle_name %>
      <%= bulma_input person_subform, :last_name, :text, class: 'is-danger' %>
      <%= bulma_input person_subform, :home_phone, :phone %>
      <%= bulma_input person_subform, :work_phone, :phone %>
      <%= bulma_input person_subform, :work_extension %>
      <%= bulma_input person_subform, :mobile_phone, :phone %>
      <%= bulma_input person_subform, :email_address, :email %>
      <%= bulma_child_objects(relatives || [], 'relatives', :relative, users_add_child_path, total_columns: [3, 4]) %>

      <fieldset id="address_fields" class="box">

        <%= person_subform.fields_for :address do |address_subform| %>
          <%= bulma_text_area address_subform, :street_address, cols: 40, rows: 5 %>
          <%= bulma_input address_subform, :city %>
          <%= bulma_select address_subform, :state_id, State.all.order(:name).collect {|state| [,]}, include_blank: true %>
          <%= bulma_input address_subform, :zip_or_postal_code %>
          <%= bulma_select address_subform, :country, ["United States"] %>
        <% end %>


    <% end %>


  <%= bulma_form_footer form, users_path(page: params[:page]) %>
<% end %>


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.