
Plugin and server installer for Minecraft similar to Bundler. Still a work in progress...

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Install rubygems then:

gem install bukin


Bukin works by reading a list of dependencies from a Bukfile. The most basic usage would be:

echo "server 'craftbukkit'" > Bukfile
bukin install

Currently only Craftbukkit is available as a server and BukkitDev is the only plugin api supported. Specify a server using the server keyword and a plugin using the plugin keyword.

server 'craftbukkit'
plugin 'worldedit'
plugin 'worldguard'

You can specify specific versions of a plugin or server to install. Craftbukkit uses its own special version naming (artifact slugs).

server 'craftbukkit', 'build-2754'
plugin 'worldedit', '5.5.5'
plugin 'worldguard', '5.7.3'

By default, bukin will try to download jar files from bukkit dev. If only zip files are available, it will automatically extract all jar files from it. If you want to specify what files are extracted from a zip file, use the extract option. It takes a string or ruby regular expression used to match file names in the zip file.

plugin 'permissionsex', '1.19.5', :extract => /PermissionsEx.*\.jar/

Plugins or servers can also be downloaded from Jenkins. Just specify the base url for Jenkins and a ruby regular expression matching the file you want to download. If no file is specified, bukin will download the first one listed.

server 'spigot', 'build-844', :jenkins => 'http://ci.md-5.net', :file => /spigot\.jar/

Need something custom? Use the download option. Version is optional but will display when the plugin is downloading.

plugin 'mycustomplugin', '2.4', :download => 'http://example.com/My-Custom-Plugin.jar'