MBWS is a Ruby library for accessing MusicBrainz’s (www.musicbrainz.org) XML Web Service. This library is currently in development, it is missing some features and is lacking a lot of documention.


MusicBrainz’s Web Service (musicbrainz.org/doc/XMLWebService) offers four resources Artist, Label, Release, and Track. You can access each object individually by their MBID (unique identifier) or you can search each resource as a collection either by specific parameters (name,date, title, etc.) or with a lucene query (musicbrainz.org/doc/TextSearchSyntax).

When accessing a specific object by its MBID you can also have the query return extra information (an artist’s releases, a release’s tracks and so on).

Access to these resources is provided by matching Ruby classes: MBWS::Artist, MBWS::Release, MBWS::Track, and MBWS::Label.


Finding an individual object

If you know an object’s MBID you can find it directly.

artist = Artist.find("c0b2500e-0cef-4130-869d-732b23ed9df5")

You can also include extended information. For example, if you want to returnan artist’s aliases and their ‘Official’ single artist albums.

artist = Artist.find("c0b2500e-0cef-4130-869d-732b23ed9df5",:inc => [:aliases, :sa-Official])

Searching a collection

You can search for an object, in this case the class will return an array.

releases = Release.find(:title => "Hour", :artist => "Jaw")

It is also possible to use a text search using the lucene query syntax.

releases = Release.find(:query => '"the understanding" AND artist:royksopp')

This type of search is describe here musicbrainz.org/doc/TextSearchSyntax. Note that when using either of these search methods, it is not possible to include extended information via the :inc parameter. Also, all other parameters are ignored if the query parameter is set.

Relations between objects

The classes are related (hopefully) as you would expect. For example, you can retrieve all of an artists’s releases from an artist object.

artist = Artist.find("c0b2500e-0cef-4130-869d-732b23ed9df5")
releases = @artist.releases

Further documentation can be found in each Classes individual documentation: MBWS::Artist, MBWS::Release, MBWS::Label.