
A Ruby helper for running tests in BrowserStack Automate browser testing cloud service.

Marks BrowserStack Automate sessions as failed when cucumber scenario fails.

This GEM includes custom Cucumber formatter to generate Junit report files accepted by Jenkins. These Junit reports includes BrowserStack session URL for failed scenarios.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'browserstack-cucumber'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install browserstack-cucumber


browserstack-cucumber designed to get configuration from environment variables set by Jenkins.

Code changes:

See features/support/env.rb on how to add BrowserStack support to your cucumber tests:

```ruby require’rspec/expectations’ require’page-object’ require’browserstack’ require’selenium/webdriver’


Installing Cucumber hooks

Before(‘@selenium’) do @browser = ::BrowserStackCucumber.before_hook_impl end

Around(‘@selenium’) do |scenario, block| ::BrowserStackCucumber.around_hook_impl(scenario, block) end

at_exit do ::BrowserStackCucumber.at_exit_impl() end ```

Running tests:

You’ll need to set the following environment variables (the following values are used * SELENIUM_PLATFORM (os) * SELENIUM_BROWSER (api_name) * SELENIUM_VERSION (short_version) * BROWSER_STACK_USER_NAME * BROWSER_STACK_API_KEY

To run cucumber tests suite:

$ cucumber SELENIUM_PLATFORM="Windows 2008" SELENIUM_BROWSER="firefox" SELENIUM_VERSION="24" BROWSER_STACK_API_KEY="<your browserstack api key>" BROWSER_STACK_USER_NAME="<browserstack username>"

Using BrowserStackCucumber Jenkins Formatter

This gem includes BrowserStackCucumber::JenkinsFormatter. It registers it with shorter name ‘browserstack_jenkins’ in Cucumber cli. Using this formatter allows to include URL to BrowserStack session url with every failed scenario error output.

$ cucumber ... -f browserstack_jenkins --out <report dir>

Testing the Gem:

set the following env variables run tests with

$ bundle exec cucumber SELENIUM_PLATFORM="Windows 2008" SELENIUM_BROWSER="firefox" SELENIUM_VERSION="24" BROWSER_STACK_API_KEY="<your browserstack api key>" BROWSER_STACK_USER_NAME="<browserstack username>"


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request