
Run Cucumber tests on BrowserStack Automate using our Ruby integration.

Running your Selenium tests on BrowserStack requires a username and an access key. To create an account go to BrowserStack Automate

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Running First Test

You can use our integration to run your Cucumber tests on BrowserStack. It's a simple two-step process:

Step 1 - Install browserstack-automate integration

gem install browserstack-automate

Step 2 - Add it to your support/env.rb file

You just need to add this to your configuration file

require 'browserstack-automate'
BrowserStack.for "cucumber"

That's it! You can now execute your tests on BrowserStack by using the RUN_ON_BSTACK, BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME and BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.

RUN_ON_BSTACK=true BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=<your_username> BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY=<your_access_key> bundle exec cucumber

Running Local Tests

In order to run tests inside your local development environments, use BSTACK_LOCAL=true.

RUN_ON_BSTACK=true BSTACK_LOCAL=true BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=<username> BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY=<access_key> bundle exec cucumber

This creates an instance of BrowserStack Local Binary for every single build. To know more about how this works, read our documentation on Local Testing.

Running Parallel Tests

You can run your parallel tests on BrowserStack by adding RUN_ON_BSTACK=true to your parallel tests.

RUN_ON_BSTACK=true BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=<username> BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY=<access_key>  bundle exec cucumber

Integrating with CI

Configure these parameters in your Continuous Integration platform to run your tests directly on BrowserStack

RUN_ON_BSTACK - Boolean. To run your tests on BrowserStack
BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME - your BrowserStack username
BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY - your BrowserStack accesskey

BSTACK_LOCAL - Boolean. Whether to start/stop BrowserStackLocal for your tests

Further Reading