

Putting your writing to work

Brief lets writers build applications on top of collections of markdown files. Brief lets you define different classes or types of documents, called Models.

These models turn the documents into objects, which can be used to do things such as make API calls, or publish a blog post and send an email campaign at the same time.

Turn documents into data

The most basic way of combining writing with data, is through the use of YAML Frontmatter as metadata for the document. For example:

type: post
status: draft
  - help
  - ruby

# This is a title
## This is a subtitle

This is the first paragraph.

This is another pargraph.

This YAML content at the top gets turned into data associated with the document.

post ="/path/to/") 
post.status # => 'draft'
post.tags # => ['help','ruby']

The YAML data is useful, but where the brief model system really shines is in the ability to extract data and metadata from the writing itself.

Each Model prescribes its own specific structure, usually in the form of heading hierarchys (h1, h2, h3, etc). Any CSS selector can be used against the rendered HTML produced by the markdown. A model can define attributes that will be extracted from the writing, for example:

define "Post" do
  content do
    title "h1:first-of-type"
    subtitle "h2:first-of-type"
    excerpt "p:first-of-type"

    # parses YAML blocks inside the document
    settings 'code.yaml', :serialize => true

Getting Started

gem install brief
brief --help