Ruby Brewer

A Ruby API for adaptiman/adaptibrew


This is just an API to make adaptibrew more user friendly. It will provide a clean shell and easy to understand methods for all the actions you need to control your brew rig. This will require an actual brew rig and all the equipment listed in adaptiman/adaptibrew. If you are looking to build an automated brew rig, this is not the place to start. Head over to adaptiman/adaptibrew, or hit up adaptiman.


You'll need Ruby installed of course.

First, you need to install missing gems. To do that, run

bundle install

from inside the root directory. If there are any errors, bundler will probably tell you how to solve them. Otherwise, gg wp.

To initialize, run


from inside the root directory. This will open up a Ripl shell. It looks like this:


If that doesn't work, the brewer file might not be executable. Run

sudo chmod +x brewer

to make it executable and try again.

Testing & Rake


rake test

to run all tests. You can run a specific test case with

rake test['adaptibrew']

This will run tests/tc_adaptibrew.rb. You can of course change adaptibrew to another tc_*.rb in order to run specific test cases.

A code coverage report will be created in coverage/ upon testing. Checkout coverage/index.html to view the report. You can also run

rake coverage

to see the coverage report.

Other rake commands

Delete, clone, or refresh (delete and re-clone), with

rake adaptibrew['clear']
rake adaptibrew['clone']
rake adaptibrew['refresh']


Warning: RDoc have a seizure when encountering Gemfiles, Rakefiles, etc. Basically files that don't end in .rb but have ruby syntax. Docs will be a bit weird on those files. I suggest just reading the comments in source.



to generate/update documentation, and run

rake docs

to open documentation.