
Bracer is Sexpistol-with-braces, a very fast and easy-to-use library for parsing S-Expressions in Ruby. Bracer takes an S-Expression in string form and turns it into a native Ruby data structure made up of nested sets of arrays.


[define test [lambda [] [
  [print "Hello world!\n"]
  [print 1]
  [print 9.01]
  [print 2.0e10]
  [print (+ 10 12 13]]

would be parsed by Bracer like so:

[:define, :test, [:lambda, [], [
  [:print, "Hello world!\n"],
  [:print, 1],
  [:print, 9.01],
  [:print, 2.0e10],
  [:print, [:+, 10, 12, 13]]

Type mappings

Bracer supports all of the standard datatypes and converts them directly to their Ruby equivalents:

  • Lists [a b c]

  • Integers [1 2 3]

  • Floats [1.0 2.0 42.9 3e6 1.2e2]

  • Strings [“t"Hello world!"n”]

  • Symbols [symbol Symbol __symbol____ symbo_l symbol? symbol! + - / ++ a+ e$, etc…]

Bracer also supports mapping the Ruby keyword literals [nil, true, false] to their native Ruby types, although this is disabled by default for compatibility. To enable it use ‘@parser.ruby_keyword_literals = true`, eg:

@parser =
@parser.parse_string "nil false true"
#=> [:nil, :false, :true]

@parser.ruby_keyword_literals = true
@parser.parse_string "nil false true"
#=> [nil, false, true]

Scheme compatibility

Above all Bracer strives to be compatible with Scheme-style S-Expressions. This means that Bracer supports comma quoting, though quasi-quoting is not yet implemented. Bracer can also generate Scheme compatible external representations when the ‘scheme_compatability’ options is set to true:

@parser =
@parser.scheme_compatability = true
@parser.to_sexp [:test, false, true, nil]
#=> "[test #f #t []]"


For convenience Bracer is packaged as a RubyGem, to install it simply enter the following at your command line:

gem install Bracer


# Create a new parser instance
@parser =

# Parse a string
ast = @parser.parse_string "[string [to [parse]]]"
#=> [:string, [:to, [:parse]]]

# Change the representation
ast[1][0] = :is
ast[1][1][0] = :parsed
#=> [:string, [:is, [:parsed]]]

# Turn the array structure back into an S-Expression
@parser.to_sexp[ ast ]
#=> "[ string [ is [ parsed ] ] ]"


The core of Bracer was recently re-written using StringScanner and the new version is roughly twice as fast as the older ones.

Parsing throughput on my test machine [2Ghz Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, Ruby 1.9) is approximately 1 Megabytes/sec. This is fairly high given that Bracer is pure Ruby. Benchmarking Bracer against other popular S-Expression parser gems shows that it is roughly 8x faster than the nearest competitor.

Author & Credits


Aaron Gough


Shane Hanna


The Trung

Copyright © 2010 Aaron Gough (, released under the MIT license