
Manage Mac development boxes with love (and Puppet).

Rules for Services

  1. Run on a nonstandard port, usually default port + 1000 or 10000.

  2. Install with a custom Boxen homebrew formula.

  3. Suffix the Homebrew package's version, starting with -boxen1.

  4. Run as a launchd service in the dev namespace, e.g., dev.dnsmasq.

  5. Store config, data, and log files in `$BOXEN_HOME/config,data,log. This will normally require customization of a service's Homebrew formula.

Sometimes it's not possible to follow these rules, but try hard.


  1. All hooks must be in the namespace Boxen::Hook::MyThing.

  2. All hooks must subclass from Boxen::Hook

  3. All hooks must provide a private instance method required_environment_variables that returns an array with at least one entry.

  4. All hooks must provide a private instance method #call.


Use the OS X system Ruby (1.8.7). Run script/tests often. Open PR's.