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This is a gem to mail the working hours form the terminal to your boss.


Just install via Rubygems

gem 'boss-mailer'
boss-mailer --init

In your home path you will find now a file like:

    :address: "",
    :port: 587
    :user_name: '<username>',
    :password: '<password>',
    :authentication: 'plain',
    :enable_starttls_auto: true

Fill in your settings for you mailing hoster and the address for boss.


The Bossmailer provides a simple CLI. The boss-mailer needs 3 arguments. The time from the beginning of the day, from the ending and you pause time.

For example boss-mailer HH:MM HH:MM HH:MM

To provide a quick usage your can just time the hour and the boss-mailer will parse it for you.

boss-mailer 9 18 0055

will be get translated into

boss-mailer 09:00 18:00 00:55

Pause time needs the leading zeros in this version (0.1.0)


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at