BOSH AWS Cloud Provider Interface

Copyright (c) 2009-2012 VMware, Inc.

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These options are passed to the AWS CPI when it is instantiated.

AWS options

  • default_key_name (required) default AWS ssh key name to assign to created virtual machines
  • default_security_groups (required) list of AWS security group names or ids to assign to created virtual machines, note that name and id can not be used together in this attribute.
  • ec2_private_key (required) local path to the ssh private key, must match default_key_name
  • region (required) EC2 region
  • credentials_source (optional) Where to get AWS credentials. This can be set to static for to use an access_key_id and secret_access_key or env_or_profile to get the credentials from environment variables or an EC2 instance profile. Defaults to static if not set
  • access_key_id (optional, required when credentials_source is static) AWS IAM user access key
  • secret_access_key (optional, required when credentials_source is static) AWS IAM secret access key
  • iam_instance_profile (optional) the IAM Instance Profile to use for the instance. This allows EC2 instances to use IAM Roles when working with AWS APIs.
  • ec2_endpoint (optional) URL of the EC2 endpoint to connect to, defaults to the endpoint corresponding to the selected region, or default_ec2_endpoint if no region has been selected
  • elb_endpoint (optional) URL of the ELB endpoint to connect to, default to the endpoint corresponding to the selected region, or default_elb_endpoint if no region has been selected
  • max_retries (optional) maximum number of time to retry an AWS API call, defaults to DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES

Registry options

The registry options are passed to the AWS CPI by the BOSH director based on the settings in director.yml, but can be overridden if needed.

  • endpoint (required) registry URL
  • user (required) registry user
  • password (required) registry password

Agent options

Agent options are passed to the AWS CPI by the BOSH director based on the settings in director.yml, but can be overridden if needed.

Resource pool options

These options are specified under cloud_options in the resource_pools section of a BOSH deployment manifest.

  • availability_zone (optional) the EC2 availability zone the VMs should be created in
  • instance_type (required) which type of instance the VMs should belong to
  • spot_bid_price (optional) the AWS spot instance bid price to use. When specified spot instances are started rather than on demand instances. NB: this will dramatically slow down resource pool creation.
  • iam_instance_profile (optional) the IAM Instance Profile to use for the instance. This allows EC2 instances to use IAM Roles when working with AWS APIs.

Network options

These options are specified under cloud_options in the networks section of a BOSH deployment manifest.

  • type (required) can be either dynamic for a DHCP assigned IP by AWS, or vip to use an Elastic IP (which needs to be already allocated)

  • security_groups (optional) the AWS security group names or ids to assign to VMs. If not specified, it'll use the default security groups set at the AWS options. Note that name and id can not be used together in this attribute.


This is a sample of how AWS specific properties are used in a BOSH deployment manifest:

name: sample
director_uuid: 38ce80c3-e9e9-4aac-ba61-97c676631b91


  - name: nginx_network
    type: vip
    cloud_properties: {}
  - name: default
    type: dynamic
      - default


  - name: common
    network: default
    size: 3
      name: bosh-aws-xen-ubuntu
      version: latest
      instance_type: m1.small


    access_key_id: AKIAIYJWVDUP4KRWBESQ
    secret_access_key: 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
    default_key_name: bosh
    default_security_groups: ["bosh"]
    ec2_private_key: /home/bosh/.ssh/bosh