Bootstrap Form

Form Helpers to make your form inputs look like this.

Helps you to create beautiful mocks really quickly.

Works with Bootstrap 4 and Rails 5+.

For older versions of Bootstrap and Rails use older versions of this gem.


Add the gem to your Gemfile

gem 'bootstrap-form'

Bundle install

bundle install


You write this:

form_for @account do |f|
  f.bootstrap_text_field :name

You get something like this:

<div class="form-group">
  <label class="control-label" for="account_name">Name</label>
  <input class="form-control" id="account_name" name="account_name" size="30" type="text">

Pretty straight forward.

Custom Label

You can specify a custom label for the input by setting the label option:

form_for @account do |f|
  f.bootstrap_text_field :name, label: 'A custom label'

Then, you get something like this:

<div class="form-group">
  <label class="control-label" for="account_name">A custom label</label>
  <input class="form-control" id="account_name" name="account_name" size="30" type="text">

Current Helpers List

  • bootstrap_text_field
  • bootstrap_password_field
  • bootstrap_collection_select
  • bootstrap_select
  • bootstrap_file_field
  • bootstrap_text_area
  • bootstrap_email_field

Error handling

All fields will automatically add the classes to show errors with bootstrap styling.