
BombBomb - the Ruby gem for the BombBomb

We make it easy to build relationships using simple videos.

This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 2.0.22196
  • Package version: 2.0.22196
  • Build date: 2017-01-23T18:33:23.058Z
  • Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build bombbomb.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./bombbomb-2.0.22196.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./bombbomb-2.0.22196.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'bombbomb', '~> 2.0.22196'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'bombbomb', :git => ''

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'bombbomb'

# Setup authorization
BombBomb.configure do |config|
  # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BBOAuth2
  config.access_token = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN'

api_instance =

drip_id = "drip_id_example" # String | The id of the drip

drip_drop_id = "drip_drop_id_example" # String | The id of the drip drop

  #Get Automation Email Stats
  api_instance.get_drip_drop_stats(drip_id, drip_drop_id)
rescue BombBomb::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling AutomationsApi->get_drip_drop_stats: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
BombBomb::AutomationsApi get_drip_drop_stats GET /automation/dripId/dripdrop/dripDropId/stats Get Automation Email Stats
BombBomb::AutomationsApi get_drip_stats GET /automation/id/stats Get Automation Stats
BombBomb::CurriculumApi get_curricula GET /curricula/ Get Curricula
BombBomb::CurriculumApi get_user_curriculum_with_progress GET /curriculum/getForUserWithProgress Get Detailed For User
BombBomb::EmailsApi create_printing_press_email POST /emails/print Create an Email with Printing Press
BombBomb::EmailsApi get_email_tracking GET /emails/emailId/tracking Get Email Tracking
BombBomb::EmailsApi get_email_tracking_interactions GET /emails/emailId/tracking/interactions Get Email Tracking Interactions
BombBomb::EmailsApi get_hourly_email_tracking GET /emails/emailId/tracking/hourly Get Hourly Email Tracking
BombBomb::PromptsApi create_prompt_bot POST /prompts/bots Create a running Prompt Bot for a list
BombBomb::PromptsApi create_video_email_prompt POST /prompt Prompts user to send a video
BombBomb::PromptsApi get_pending_video_email_prompts GET /prompt/pending List pending prompts
BombBomb::PromptsApi get_prompt_bots GET /prompts/bots List Prompt Bots
BombBomb::PromptsApi get_prompt_campaigns GET /prompts/campaigns List Prompt Campaigns
BombBomb::PromptsApi get_video_email_prompt GET /prompt/id Gets a prompt
BombBomb::PromptsApi get_video_email_prompts GET /prompt/ List prompts
BombBomb::PromptsApi respond_to_video_email_prompt POST /prompt/id/response Respond to a prompt
BombBomb::PromptsApi update_prompt_bot PUT /prompts/bots/id Update Prompt Bot
BombBomb::PromptsApi update_prompt_campaign PUT /prompts/campaigns/id Update Prompt Campaign
BombBomb::TeamsApi add_team_member POST /team/teamId/member Add Member to Team
BombBomb::TeamsApi cancel_jericho_send DELETE /team/teamId/jericho/jerichoId Cancel a Jericho Send
BombBomb::TeamsApi create_subteam POST /team/teamId/subteam Add a Subteam
BombBomb::TeamsApi delete_subteam DELETE /team/teamId/subteam Delete Subteam
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_client_group_assets GET /team/assets/ Lists team assets
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_jericho_sends GET /team/teamId/jericho List Jericho Sends
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_jericho_stats GET /team/teamId/jericho/jerichoId/performance Gets Jericho performance statistics
BombBomb::TeamsApi get_subteams GET /team/teamId/subteam List Subteams
BombBomb::TeamsApi queue_jericho_send POST /team/teamId/jericho Creates a Jericho send.
BombBomb::TeamsApi remove_member_from_team DELETE /team/teamId/member/userId Remove Member from Team
BombBomb::TeamsApi update_team POST /team/teamId Update a team
BombBomb::UtilitiesApi create_o_auth_client POST /oauthclient Create an OAuth Client
BombBomb::UtilitiesApi delete_o_auth_client DELETE /oauthclient/id Delete an OAuth Client
BombBomb::UtilitiesApi get_o_auth_clients GET /oauthclient Lists OAuth Clients
BombBomb::UtilitiesApi get_spec GET /spec Describes this api
BombBomb::VideosApi get_video_recorder GET /videos/live/getRecorder Get Live Video Recorder HTML
BombBomb::VideosApi mark_live_recording_complete POST /videos/live/markComplete Completes a live recording
BombBomb::VideosApi sign_upload POST /video/signedUpload Generate Signed Url
BombBomb::WebhooksApi add_web_hook POST /webhook Add Webhook
BombBomb::WebhooksApi delete_web_hook DELETE /webhook/hookId Deletes Webhook
BombBomb::WebhooksApi get_web_hooks GET /webhook/ Lists Webhooks
BombBomb::WebhooksApi list_web_hook_events GET /webhook/events Describe WebHook Events
BombBomb::WebhooksApi send_webhook_example POST /webhook/test Sends test Webhook

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: implicit
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
    • all:manage: Manage All
    • all:read: Read All
    • email:manage: Manage Email
    • email:read: Read Email
    • video:manage: Manage Video
    • video:read: Read Video
    • contact:manage: Manage Contact
    • contact:read: Read Contact
    • curriculum:manage: Manage Curriculum
    • curriculum:read: Read Curriculum
    • automation:manage: Manage Automation
    • automation:read: Read Automation
    • form:manage: Manage Form
    • form:read: Read Form
    • team:manage: Manage Team
    • team:read: Read Team
    • settings:manage: Manage Settings