
A command-line interface to BoxPanel.


This tool requres ruby --version >= 1.9.3. If you are not already running a suitable version, rbenv is recommended.


git clone
cd boxcutter
gem install rspec
rake install


You must be logged into BoxPanel in the Chrome browser - boxcutter auths with your Chrome cookies

boxcutter help                            # usage
boxcutter machine-search app              # search for machine names given a substring
boxcutter machine-show ds590              # show machine details given its name
boxcutter password "kvm[2-5]"             # show passwords given a password name regex
boxcutter kvm kvm9.sea03                  # open a kvm console given the password name
boxcutter reboot ds590                    # reboot a machine
boxcutter razor-tags                      # show available razor tags
boxcutter razor ds590 ubuntu-precise      # razor a machine
boxcutter razor-log ds590                 # show razor log messages


boxcutter screenshot