Bloombroom v1.0.0

  • Standard Bloomfilter class for bounded key space
  • ContinuousBloomfilter class for unbounded keys (stream)
  • Bitfield class
  • BitBucketField class (multi bits)
  • native, C & FFI extensions FNV hash classes

The Bloom filter is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure that is used to test whether an element is a member of a set. False positives are possible, but false negatives are not. See wikipedia.

Bloom filters are normally used in the context of a bounded set since the filter size must be known in advance. for a given filter capacity, its total bit size will affect the false positive error rate. The total number of bits required for a given filter can be computed from the required filter capacity and target error rate. See the references section for more info.


The ContinuousBloomfilter provides a bloom filter implementation which support unbounded stream of elements. Elements are expired after a chosen TTL. At initialization the filter capacity must be estimated for the numbers of elements expected over the given TTL period.

For example to do dedupping on a stream with a rate of 5000 items/sec over a period of 60 minutes would require a filter capacity of 18M elements. For a required error rate of 0.1% the filter would need 246mb of memory (which include all Ruby objects overhead).

The ContinuousBloomfilter uses 4 bits for each filter position or bucket (instead of 1 bit in a normal bloom filter) for keeping track of the keys TTL. The internal timer resolution is set to half of the required TTL (resolution divisor of 2). using 4 bits gives us 15 usable time slots (slot 0 is for the unset state). Basically the internal time bookeeping is similar to a ring buffer using the current timer tick modulo 15. The timer ticks will be time slot=1, 2, ... 15, 1, 2 and so on. The total time of our internal clock will thus be 15 * (TTL / 2). We keep track of TTL by writing the current time slot in the key k buckets when inserted in the filter. For a key lookup if the interval betweem the current time slot and any of the k buckets value is greater than 2 (resolution divisor) we know this key is expired. See continuous_bloom_filter.rb

This means that an element is garanteed to not be expired before the given TTL but in the worst case could survive until 3 * (TTL / 2).


Bloom filters require the use of multiple (k) hash functions for each inserted element. We actually simulate multiple hash functions by having just two hash functions which are actually the upper and lower 32 bits of our FFI FNV1a 64 bits hash function. Double hashing with one hash function. Very very fast. See bloom_helper.rb and the references section for more info on this technique.


tested in both MRI Ruby 1.9.2, 1.9.3 and JRuby 1.6.7 in 1.9 mode.

$ gem install bloombroom


Standard Bloom filter

require 'bloombroom'

bf =, 3) # 1000 bits and 3 hash functions


bf.include?("key1") # => true
bf.include?("key3") # => false
require 'bloombroom'

# compute optimal m,k for a filter capacity of 1000 elements and 0.1% error rate
m, k = Bloombroom::BloomHelper.find_m_k(1000, 0.001)

bf =, k)

bf << "key1"
bf << "key2"

bf["key1"] # => true
bf["key3"] # => false

Continuous Bloom filter

require 'bloombroom'

# 1000 buckets, 3 hash functions and a TTL of 2 seconds
bf =, 3, 2)

bf << "key1"
bf << "key2"

bf["key1"] # => true
bf["key2"] # => true
bf["key3"] # => false


bf["key1"] # => false
bf["key2"] # => false
bf["key3"] # => false

Memory footprint

The calculated memory footprints includes all Ruby objects overhead. In fact the footprint is calculated by querying the process size (rss) before and after the bloom filter object initialization.


ruby benchmark/bloom_filter_memory.rb auto 1000000 0.01
ruby benchmark/bloom_filter_memory.rb auto 100000000 0.01
ruby benchmark/bloom_filter_memory.rb auto 100000000 0.001
  • 1.0% error rate for 1M keys: 2.3mb
  • 1.0% error rate for 100M keys: 228mb
  • 0.1% error rate for 100M keys: 342mb


ruby benchmark/continuous_bloom_filter_memory.rb auto 1000000 0.01
ruby benchmark/continuous_bloom_filter_memory.rb auto 100000000 0.01
ruby benchmark/continuous_bloom_filter_memory.rb auto 100000000 0.001
  • 1.0% error rate for 1M keys: 9.1mb
  • 1.0% error rate for 100M keys: 914mb
  • 0.1% error rate for 100M keys: 1371mb


All benchmarks have been run on a MacbookPro with a 2.66GHz i7 with 8GB RAM on OSX 10.6.8 with MRI Ruby 1.9.3p194


The Hashing benchmark compares the performance of SHA1, MD5, two native Ruby FNV (A & B) implementations, a C implementation as a C extension and FFI extension for 32 and 64 bits hashes.

ruby benchmark/fnv.rb
benchmarking for 1000000 iterations
                         user     system      total        real
MD5:                 1.900000   0.010000   1.910000 (  1.912995)
SHA-1:               2.110000   0.000000   2.110000 (  2.109739)
native FNV A 32:    32.470000   0.110000  32.580000 ( 32.596759)
native FNV A 64:    38.330000   0.570000  38.900000 ( 38.923384)
native FNV B 32:     4.870000   0.020000   4.890000 (  4.882862)
native FNV B 64:    37.700000   0.110000  37.810000 ( 37.842873)
ffi FNV 32:          0.760000   0.010000   0.770000 (  0.754941)
ffi FNV 64:          0.890000   0.000000   0.890000 (  0.901954)
c-ext FNV 32:        0.310000   0.000000   0.310000 (  0.307131)
c-ext FNV 64:        0.480000   0.000000   0.480000 (  0.485310)

MD5:                   522740 ops/s
SHA-1:                 473992 ops/s
native FNV A 32:        30678 ops/s
native FNV A 64:        25691 ops/s
native FNV B 32:       204798 ops/s
native FNV B 64:        26425 ops/s
ffi FNV 32:           1324607 ops/s
ffi FNV 64:           1108704 ops/s
c-ext FNV 32:         3255939 ops/s
c-ext FNV 64:         2060538 ops/s


The Bloomfilter class is using the FFI FNV hashing by default, for speed and compatibility.

ruby benchmark/bloom_filter.rb 
benchmarking for 150000 keys with 1.0%, 0.1%, 0.01% error rates
                                               user     system      total        real
BloomFilter m=1437759, k=07 add            0.940000   0.000000   0.940000 (  0.948075)
BloomFilter m=1437759, k=07 include?       0.830000   0.010000   0.840000 (  0.834414)
BloomFilter m=2156639, k=10 add            1.220000   0.000000   1.220000 (  1.227294)
BloomFilter m=2156639, k=10 include?       1.050000   0.010000   1.060000 (  1.052358)
BloomFilter m=2875518, k=13 add            1.500000   0.010000   1.510000 (  1.516086)
BloomFilter m=2875518, k=13 include?       1.260000   0.010000   1.270000 (  1.258877)

BloomFilter m=1437759, k=07 add            158215 ops/s
BloomFilter m=1437759, k=07 include?       179767 ops/s
BloomFilter m=2156639, k=10 add            122220 ops/s
BloomFilter m=2156639, k=10 include?       142537 ops/s
BloomFilter m=2875518, k=13 add             98939 ops/s
BloomFilter m=2875518, k=13 include?       119154 ops/s


The ContinuousBloomfilter class is using the FFI FNV hashing by default, for speed and compatibility.

ruby benchmark/continuous_bloom_filter.rb 
benchmarking WITHOUT expiration for 150000 keys with 1.0%, 0.1%, 0.01% error rates
                                                            user     system      total        real
ContinuousBloomFilter m=1437759, k=07 add               1.720000   0.000000   1.720000 (  1.733903)
ContinuousBloomFilter m=1437759, k=07 include?          1.630000   0.010000   1.640000 (  1.630668)
ContinuousBloomFilter m=2156639, k=10 add               2.130000   0.010000   2.140000 (  2.142091)
ContinuousBloomFilter m=2156639, k=10 include?          2.160000   0.000000   2.160000 (  2.159395)
ContinuousBloomFilter m=2875518, k=13 add               2.650000   0.010000   2.660000 (  2.655585)
ContinuousBloomFilter m=2875518, k=13 include?          2.570000   0.010000   2.580000 (  2.586032)

ContinuousBloomFilter m=1437759, k=07 add               86510 ops/s
ContinuousBloomFilter m=1437759, k=07 include?          91987 ops/s
ContinuousBloomFilter m=2156639, k=10 add               70025 ops/s
ContinuousBloomFilter m=2156639, k=10 include?          69464 ops/s
ContinuousBloomFilter m=2875518, k=13 add               56485 ops/s
ContinuousBloomFilter m=2875518, k=13 include?          58004 ops/s

benchmarking WITH expiration for 500000 keys with 1.0%, 0.1%, 0.01% error rates
                                                            user     system      total        real
ContinuousBloomFilter m=1437759, k=07 add+include      11.110000   0.040000  11.150000 ( 11.146869)
ContinuousBloomFilter m=2156639, k=10 add+include      14.220000   0.040000  14.260000 ( 14.269583)
ContinuousBloomFilter m=2875518, k=13 add+include      17.600000   0.060000  17.660000 ( 17.665917)

ContinuousBloomFilter m=1437759, k=07 add+include      89711 ops/s
ContinuousBloomFilter m=2156639, k=10 add+include      70079 ops/s
ContinuousBloomFilter m=2875518, k=13 add+include      56606 ops/s


  • to run specs use
jruby --1.9 -S rake spec
  • to run benchmarks use
jruby --1.9 benchmark/some_benchmark.rb



Colin Surprenant, @colinsurprenant,, [email protected], [email protected]


Bloombroom is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.