
Mountable blog engine for Ruby on Rails 4.

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Quick start

Add the gem to Gemfile of you Rails application:

gem 'blogo'

Install the gem:

bundle install

Install initializer file:

rails generate blogo:install

Take a look into config/initializers/blogo.rb and configure what you need.

Install blogo migrations and run them:

rake blogo:install:migrations
rake db:migrate

Create a user:

rake blogo:create_user[user_name,[email protected],password]

Mount the blog routes to you rails application in config/routes.rb

Blogo::Routes.mount_to(self, at: '/blog')

Run the rails application and go to http://localhost:3000/blog/admin to create you first post!

Go to http://localhost::3000/blog to take a look at your posts.


If you use zsh and experience a problem to create a user through the rake task, try to escape [ and ] characters:

rake blogo:create_user\[user_name,[email protected],password\]

More information?

Please see wiki.


  • Mountable rails engine
  • Image upload
  • "Read more" feature
  • Tags
  • Comments with Disqus
  • Atom feed
  • Pagination
  • Designed to support multiple formats(html, markdown, whatever)
  • WYSIWYG editor(for html format)
  • Google Analytics
  • Social icons (Github, Twitter, can be more if you need it)
  • SEO optimized: generates meta description, keywords, meta tags for facebook(OpenGraph) and twitter
  • Can be customized for your own needs.
  • Very few external dependencies
  • Localization support (en, es, pt-BR, zh-CN, fr)

Markup Formats

The next formats are supported out of the box, but don't forget to add necessary dependencies to your Gemfile manually.

Format Dependency
html -
markdown redcarpet



This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.