Simple JWT Ruby implementation based on Bitcoin secp256k1 inspired by bitjws (

JWT protocol header built on a custom bitcoin algorithm:

header = {
    'alg' => 'CUSTOM-BITCOIN-SIGN',
    'kid' => '<bitcoin public address>',
    'typ' => 'JWT'


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'bitjwt'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bitjwt

Install bitcoin library

Compile and install libsecp256k1 required by bitcoin-ruby: (

tag: v0.11.0

commit: d26f951802c762de04fb68e1a112d611929920ba

and place it under your vendor/bitcoin/src/secp256k1/.libs local path


# import your WIF private key
wif_key = 'L2mvkaTyiZMVZ8kPjBkov6FHbp2AVo8DeuXEZVvH7P19KrtpsJtj'

# or generate a new one using Bitcoin library
wif_key = Bitcoin::Key.generate.to_base58

# instantiate BitJWT crypto object with your private key
crypto =

# define your payload to send
payload =
    'aud' => '/api/audience',
    'data' => {
      'key1' => 'value1',
      'key2' => 0
# 'aud'  relative URL path of your request
# 'data' data to send

#build BitJWT protocol request
request = BitJWT::Protocol.build_request(crypto, payload)

# send request to base URL
    response = request.send('http://service_base_url', 'POST')
    # check returned data contains a valid signature
    if response.verify
        # get your decoded response
        payload = response.payload_to_h
rescue BitJWT::ProtocolError => e
    # e.status  http error status code
    # e.body    application returned error