bitcat - Bit Catalog Kitty Browser

browse your (digital) bit(s) collections - browse your (crypto) kitties and more


Step 0 - Database Setup

Note: The bitcat server machinery requires a (local) single-file SQLite database, that is, kitties.db, in your working folder.

See the Copycats page on how to setup a (local) single-file SQLite database ยป

Step 1 - Start the Bitcat Server

Start up the bitcat server on the command line:

$ bitcat

Step 3 - Open Bitcat Page in Browser

Open up the browser at localhost:4567.

That's it. Enjoy.

Installation - I Can Has Bitcat?


$ gem install bitcat

Questions? Comments?

Post them on the cryptokitties reddit. Thanks.


The bitcat scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.