bipbip Build Status

Agent to collect server metrics and send them to the CopperEgg RevealMetrics platform. Plugins for different metrics available. Will spawn a child process for every plugin and server you tell it to monitor.


gem install bipbip


Pass the path to your configuration file to bipbip using the -c command line argument.

bipbip -c /etc/bipbip/config.yml

The configuration file should list the services you want to collect data for:

logfile: /var/log/bipbip.log
loglevel: INFO
frequency: 15
include: services.d/

    name: copperegg
    api_key: YOUR_APIKEY

    plugin: memcached
    hostname: localhost
    port: 11211
    plugin: mysql
    hostname: localhost
    port: 3306
    username: root
    password: root
    plugin: redis
    hostname: localhost
    port: 6379
    plugin: resque
    hostname: localhost
    port: 6379
    database: 10
    namespace: resque-prefix
    frequency: 60
    plugin: gearman
    hostname: localhost
    port: 4730
    plugin: apache2
    url: http://localhost:80/server-status?auto
    plugin: nginx
    url: http://localhost:80/server-status
    plugin: network
    plugin: monit
    hostname: localhost
    port: 2888
    ssl:  true
    auth: true
    username: foo
    password: bar
    plugin: php-apc
    url: http://localhost:80/apc-status
    plugin: fastcgi-php-fpm
    host: localhost
    port: 9000
    path: /fpm-status
    plugin: fastcgi-php-apc
    host: localhost
    port: 9000
    plugin: fastcgi-php-opcache
    host: localhost
    port: 9000

Include configuration

In your configuration you can specify a directory to include service configurations from:

include: services.d/

This will include files from /etc/bipbip/services.d/ and load them into the services configuration.

You could then add a file /etc/bipbip/services.d/memcached.yml:

plugin: memcached
hostname: localhost
port: 11211

You can also set an override frequency per service in the main config or in these included configs.



Requires the cgi-fcgi program (debian package: libfcgi0ldbl).


Requires the cgi-fcgi program (debian package: libfcgi0ldbl).


Requires the cgi-fcgi program (debian package: libfcgi0ldbl).


To collect APC stats of your apache process, please install the following script.

Create file /usr/local/bin/apc-status.php with content of data/apc-status.php.

Create apache config /etc/apache2/conf.d/apc-status with content:

Alias /apc-status /usr/local/bin/apc-status.php

<Files "/usr/local/bin/apc-status.php">
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from

Then set the url-configuration for the plugin to where the script is being served, e.g. http//localhost:80/apc-status.

Custom external plugins

Additional plugins can be created as independent gems. They should include a class Plugin::MyPlugin in the BipBip module extending Plugin. On that class the functions metrics_schema and monitor should be implemented.

For a complete example see cargomedia/bipbip-random-example.