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Emulator that emulates Bio::Fetch object in BioRuby as if discontinued BioRuby BioFetch server were still alive. It overrides methods and objects in Bio::Fetch, and if the old BioRuby BioFetch server’s URL is given, it intercepts all requests and converts them into existing web services such as TogoWS, KEGG REST API, NCBI E-Utilities, and GenomeNet(

Note: this software may fail to work depending on the status of the above servers.


“ gem install bio-old-biofetch-emulator


“by require ‘bio-old-biofetch-emulator’

In general, to run existing software using the BioRuby BioFetch server, no additional code is needed other than require 'bio-old-biofetch-emulator'.

The API doc is online. For more code examples see the test files in the source tree.

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Copyright (c) 2014 Naohisa Goto. See LICENSE.txt for further details.