
Billtrap is a command line invoice management tool in ruby. It allows creation and monitoring of invoices and exporting data using template formatters.

Billtrap is based on the time tracking tool Timetrap by Sam Goldstein, and allows importing time entries from Timetrap into invoices. However, Billtrap can be used to create invoices manually without data from Timetrap.


To install, use rubygems:

gem install billtrap

This will place the Billtrap executable bt in your path.


If you call Billtrap without any argument (or using --help) will display usage information:

$ bt --help

Configuring BillTrap

Use bt configure to write a config file to HOME/.billtrap/billtrap.yml (Override by setting BILLTRAP_HOME in env)

The following options are supported

  • database: Sequel Databsae identifier, defaults to sqlite://<BILLTRAP_HOME>/.billtrap.db
  • timetrap_database: Timetrap database, used to import Entries
  • round_in_seconds => 900,
  • currency: Currency to use (see RubyMoney.format for options)
  • default_rate: Default rate in the above currency
  • invoice_number_format: Invoice numbering format. Expands Date.strftime directives and %{invoice_id}, %{client_id} upon export of the invoice (e.g., %Y%m%d_%{invoice_id})
  • currency_format: Money formatter, see for output options
  • date_format: date format
  • billtrap_archive: Output path for exported invoices
  • serenity_template: OOffice adapter: Path to invoice template

Adding invoices

Add a new invoice with the title Some important project to Billtrap and activate it:

$ bt new --name 'Some important project'

You can also specify a certain date (using Chronic keywords) to use with the invoice:

# Adds an unnamed invoice, dated yesterday
$ bt new --date yesterday

Switching between invoices

To display the current set of open invoices, use bt show.

$ bt show
Showing open invoices
 ID    Name                     Client          Created         Payments / Total
 1     Some important project     -             2013-04-12      0,00 EUR / 0,00 EUR
 >>2    -                         -             2013-04-11      0.00 USD / 0.00 USD

Billtrap manages a set of invoices, and allows you to focus on one invoice at a time. The ">>" marks the current active invoice (ID 2), which we just added with --date yesterday.

To switch between invoices, use the in comand with the ID of the invoice to switch to. Now, to switch to the 'Some important project' invoice, enter:

$ bt in 1
Activating invoice #1

The active invoice is persisted between calls, i.e., you always edit the latest invoice until bt in or bt new is called.

Editing the active invoice

Let's add some entries to the important project by executing bt entry --add. This will read the entry from STDIN.

$ bt entry --add
Entry title: Programming
Entry date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2013-04-10
Displayed unit (Defaults to 'h' for hours):
Quantity (Numeric): 2.5
Price in USD per unit (Numeric): 20
Optional Notes: (Multiline input, type Ctrl-D or insert END and return to exit)

Added entry (#1) to current invoice (ID 1)

Lets check the values we entered with bt show --detail 1, which displays details for the invoice with ID 1.

$ bt show --detail 1

Invoice:    Some important project (#1)
Created on: 2013-04-13
Invoice entries
  Title          Date        Quantity    Price       Notes
  Programming    2013-04-10  2.5h        50.00 USD   

Importing data from Timetrap

If you manage your time using Timetrap, you can use the import command to import entries to the current invoice.

Assume you have a sheet called test with three entries.

$ t display test
Day                Start      End        Duration   Notes
Sat Oct 29, 2011   22:42:36 - 23:13:02   0:30:26    Foo
Sat Nov 17, 2012   23:13:57 - 23:14:07  24:00:10    Bar
Sun Nov 18, 2012   22:26:00 - 22:31:20   0:05:20    Moo

You can import the whole sheet into BillTrap using the following command:

$ dbt impoort --sheet test

Imported 0.51 hours from sheet test as entry #2
Imported 0.09 hours from sheet test as entry #3
Imported 24.0 hours from sheet test as entry #4

You could also import single IDs into the current invoice:

$ dbt import --entry 1 2
Imported 0.51 hours from sheet test as entry #5
Imported 0.09 hours from sheet test as entry #6

If you wish to clear all entries prior to the import, use the --clear flag:

$ dbt import --entry 1 2
Imported 0.51 hours from sheet test as entry #1
Imported 0.09 hours from sheet test as entry #2

Beware: Using the --clear flag does not ask for confirmation prior to deleting all entries of the current invoice.

Setting a client

BillTrap allows you to add and manage clients. Note: This feature is still rudimentary and subject to change.

Use bt client --add to add a client from STDIN:

$ bt client --add
First name: John
Surname: Doe
Company: Doemasters Inc.
Address: (Multiline input, type Ctrl-D or insert END and return to exit)
Somestreet 12  
12345 Sometown^D
Mail: [email protected]
Hourly rate: 25
Use non-standard Currency? [Leave empty for USD]: EUR

Client John Doe was created with id 1

Let's set John Doe as the client for our important project.

# Equivalent to 'bt set client 1'
$ bt set client Doe

SET client to John Doe (#1)

Note: The client currency setting overrides BillTrap's default setting, thus the currency for all entries of invoice #1 have changed to EUR.

Exporting invoices

Let's review our changes to the Invoice #1:

$ bt show
Showing open invoices
 ID    Name                      Client                  Created         Payments / Total
 >>1   Some important project    John Doe                2013-04-13      0,00 EUR / 50,00 EUR
 2      -                         -                      2013-04-12      0.00 USD / 0.00 USD

To export the invoice:

$ bt export

Generated invoice has been output to: /Users/oliver/Documents/billtrap/invoices/2013/4/13/1.odt

Currently, the only working adapter uses the serenity gem to populate a Open/LibreOffice template of your choosing and renders an ODT.

Note: Have a look at the config (see configuring BillTrap) to change invoice numbering, output paths et cetera.

I'm working on creating more adapters. If you want to participate in the discussion, I suggest opening an issue on the Github tracker.

Abbreviating commands

All commands and their paremeters can be abbreviated. For example, instead of bt new --date yesterday, you could also enter with same result:

$ bt n -d yesterday

BillTrap warns you about ambiguous command abbreviations, e.g.,

$ bt s
Error: Ambiguous command 's'
Matching commands are: set, show

Special Thanks

I'd like to thank Sam Goldstein for his work on Timetrap, which motivated me to improve on my time management and to start this project.

Billtrap intentionally borrows heavily from Timetrap, which is available at

Bugs and Feature Requests

Billtrap is still under heavy development.

If you have feature requests or found a bug, please file an issue on the Github tracker: