
Billfold provides backend Rails support for OmniAuth. Specifically, it routes /auth/:provider/callback to Billfold::IdentitiesController#update_or_create!, which handles identity management.


  • Rails 3.x


  1. Add gem 'billfold' to your Gemfile
  2. Run bundle (or bundle install)
  3. Run rails g billfold:migration


With ActiveRecord

If you don't have User and Identity model classes, run rails g billfold:models to create them. Otherwise, include Billfold::ActiveRecordUser and Billfold::ActiveRecordIdentity in them respectively. You may wish to define User#perform_additional_merge_operations! if you need to do additional logic during a user merge.

Without ActiveRecord

Include Billfold::User and Billfold::Identity in the model classes. You'll also have do define the following methods:

  • User.find_by_id(id)
  • User#merge_into!(other_user)
  • Identity.with_provider_and_value(provider, value)
  • Identity#user
  • Identity#update_attributes!
  • Identity#save!