
Bigwig is a daemon process that listens to a RabbitMQ queue and processes messages that it receives, along with some simple command-line tools to place messages on the queue.

Typical Usage

  • Install the bigwig gem
  • Start an AMQP server
  • Create a folder of plugins
  • Create a bigwig configuration file
  • Start bigwig - bigwig start -c config-file -l log-folder
  • Ping bigwig - bigwig-ping -c config-file
  • Push a message with data onto the queue - bigwig-push -m my_message -d '{:key => "value"}' -c config-file


Bigwig expects you to give it a configuration file detailing how it is to connect to the AMQP server and how it should respond to incoming messages.

When invoking bigwig, it looks for a file called bigwig.yml in the current folder. Alternatively you can specify the configuration file using the -c command line option (note that you must supply an absolute path to the file, relative paths will fail).

A typical configuration file looks like this:

    user: rabbit-user
    password: crunchycarrots
    vhost: /
    port: 5672
    queue: myqueue
    warren_logging: false
    plugins_folder: /full/path/to/a/folder

The first six items tell bigwig how to connect to the AMQP server. The next item specifies whether you want warren (the lower-level AMQP processor) to log its output (normally you will want this to be false, as warren can be quite noisy). Lastly, you tell bigwig where to find its plugins.


When invoking bigwig you should pass it the full path to a folder in which to write its log and pid files. If not specified, it will use the current folder. This is done using the -l command line option.


Bigwig expects messages to be a string which can be deserialised into a Ruby Hash. The Hash is split into two sections - the "header" and the "data".

A typical message will look something like this:

    message = { 
      :id => '123', 
      :method => 'my_command', 
      :data => { 
        :field => 'value', 
        :another_field => 'another_value'

The most important of these is the :method key. Bigwig unpacks this and uses that to lookup which plugin it should invoke (see below).


When bigwig starts it looks through the plugins folder specified within the configuration file (and all its sub-directories). It then loads all plugins that it finds.

For example, a plugin, which we shall call LoggingPlugin, would look like this:

  • it should live in a file called logging_plugin.rb that is somewhere within your plugins folder
  • it should define a class called LoggingPlugin that descends from BigWig::Plugin
  • it should define a class method called method
  • it should define a class method called call

    class LoggingPlugin < BigWig::Plugin
      def self.method
      def, args) "LoggingPlugin was invoked with #{args.inspect} as parameters"

When bigwig receives a message where the :method parameter == 'logging' it will then invoke LoggingPlugin#call, passing it the :id and :data from the original message as task_id and args respectively.

If your plugin needs to know where it is on the filesystem (for example, so that it can shell out to run a script) it can access BigWig::Plugins.root which returns the folder reference you specified within the configuration file.


There is a plugin built-in to bigwig called PingPlugin, that registers itself under the name "ping". If you place a message onto the queue with :method => 'ping', the PingPlugin responds by writing a message to the log file. This is useful for monitoring bigwig - another system places ping messages onto the queue at regular intervals and we watch to ensure that the log file's update time is changing.

Init Scripts

Sometimes you need to do something on starting bigwig. Most common is setting up warren filters. Just add

init_folder: /path/to/init/folder

to your config.yml and bigwig will load any rb files that folder contains.

Command-line Interface

There are two command-line scripts that push messages on to the queue.

The simplest is bigwig-ping.

This pushes a ping message onto the queue - ideal for calling from a cron job. This takes two parameters: -t (or --timeout) which is the connection timeout in seconds (defaulting to 5 if not supplied) and -c (or --config) which is the path to a Bigwig configuration file (defaulting to bigwig.yml in the current directory if not supplied).

    bigwig-ping -c /path/to/config -t 10

There is also bigwig-push.

This pushes an arbitrary message onto the queue - ideal for testing, or just manually poking Bigwig to make something happen. It takes the same --config and --timeout parameters as bigwig-ping, plus a few more for specifying the message itself. These are -m (or --method) which is the method name (for selecting which plugin responds), -i (or --id) which is the optional task id (useful when linking to an external system) and -d (or --data) for a hash of values that becomes the :data parameter.

    bigwig-push -m my_message -d '{:key => "value", :key2 => "something else"}' -i 123 -c /path/to/config -t 10


(c) 2009 Brightbox Systems Ltd. Released under the MIT License - see LICENSE for more details.