
This is a library for error processing, logging and rendering.


  • This gem prints an error and a trimmed down version of the backtrace in case of ANY non-200 response in any application.
  • This gem enables the application code(models, controllers and libs) code to be clean and concise. Since, now, we are handling the exceptions in a middleware, there is no need for ANY re-raising exception code in our models, controllers and other files.
    • Application code should just contain the happy path and raise known errors if required. Other than that, no exception related code is required in the application code.
  • This gem renders a standard JSON error response in case there is any error when calling an API route (/api). Currently, if there is any error, an HTML response is returned even if a JSON API route is called.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'beekeeper'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install beekeeper


  • Include Beekeeper::Rescuer in your application controller so that known errors are logged and response is returned in a standard JSON format.

    • These are the known errors it rescues:
      • Beekeeper::Error
      • ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid (Validation errors)
      • ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
  • In order to define and raise known errors in your application, it is recommended that you subclass Beekeeper::Error

For example:

class CustomError < Beekeeper::Error

class CustomErrors::BadRequest < CustomError
  def initialize(message = "Request params are invalid")
    super(error: :bad_request, status: 400, message: message)

class UsersController
  def edit
    raise CustomErrors::BadRequest, message: "User not found" if params[:id].blank?

  • This library also inserts a TrapApiExceptions middleware in your Rails application stack which traps errors from an API route (/api) and returns a standard JSON error response by default. (Without this middleware, an HTML response is returned)

  • This gem also provides standard logging for an exception message. For eg. sometimes, you would like to rescue the exception and just log the exception in the application code itself.

class BackgroundTaskWorker < Worker

    def perform
        #Code Body
      rescue e => StandardError


Above Beekeeper::Logger will print the error message, error class along with a trimmed version of the backtrace.


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.