
Beaker Hiera DSL Extension Library! This allows to easily use Hiera data in acceptance tests.


The write_hiera_config_on method is the most important one. It writes the hiera.yaml file to the specified host or hosts. The version is always set to 5, as well as a default datadir. The hierarchy is directly what the documentation specifies. It is then important to also copy the data from a local directory to the same host or hosts.

hierarchy = [
    'name' => 'Per-node data',
    'path' => 'fqdn/%{facts.networking.fqdn}.yaml',
    'name' => 'OS family version data',
    'path' => 'family/%{}/%{facts.os.release.major}.yaml',
    'name' => 'OS family data',
    'path' => 'family/%{}.yaml',
    'name' => 'Common data',
    'path' => 'common.yaml',
write_hiera_config_on(host, hierarchy)
copy_hiera_data_to(host, 'spec/acceptance/hieradata')